Peterson, Harvin and the Queens are Back!

I am hoping for a Webb showing!!! Or Ponder just hand off dump off to peterson and harvin, seems rudolph is not big enough target!

I was hoping for a Webb showing today after the 1st qtr. Too many things the kid is doing wrong right now and you can tell his confidence is just shot. Most glaring thing I see is he hangs on to the ball too damn long......

The Blitz wasn't invented yesterday and Ponder doesn't seem capable to audible at the line to pick it up and make any corrections.

Frustrating...... My 5-11 prediction at the beginning of the season is looking better and better each week. :rolleyes:

Peterson, WOW !! what a horse.
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I was hoping for a Webb showing today after the 1st qtr. Too many things the kid is doing wrong right now and you can tell his confidence is just shot. Most glaring thing I see is he hangs on to the ball too damn long......

The Blitz wasn't invented yesterday and Ponder doesn't seem capable to audible at the line to pick it up and make any corrections.

Frustrating...... My 5-11 prediction at the beginning of the season is looking better and better each week. :rolleyes:

Peterson, WOW !! what a horse.

Plainly put, the Vikings SUCK! Peterson and Harvin are all they have. Defense has gone in the toilet. And Ponder who started the season off good looks like a high school kid out there. 11 for 22 for 63 yds. is inexcusable. And didn't he have a 58 yd game a couple weeks ago. Put him on the bench. It's Joe Webb time.

I'm with you birdshooter, I think there is a very good chance of a 5-11 season. 6 wins at the most. And they were 4-1 at one time. Two games left with both the Bears and Packers, one with the Lions, one with the Texans and one with the Rams. The Rams game is the only one they might have a chance to win. 5-11 or 6-10 and Leslie Frazier will be looking for employment.
Whats this viking fans saying ponder should sit:eek: He's great not even the defense wants to play now true leader:thumbsup: I can't blame the defense has to get old watching them deep passes fall incomplete at the line of scrimmage. Heck they should bring the great carter back he was great at catching the one yard pass and running his mouth for 5 minutes after he did it:thumbsup: Waste the season longhorn sheep why would you want to make the playoffs:) I'm sure players don't mind they miss that extra money and fans they love bad coaching too. When it's to late put webb in and salvage a couple meaningless wins at the end. And start next season with the hope ponders the answer again.
I agree with all the above. I think Peterson and Harvin will take Frazier out back after the game and give him the Malchi Crunch!

Those boys are a fed up as we are!

The multiple 3'd down snafu's blatantly showed the defects in Ponders game.

I loved how the camera panned over an showed a shot of Webb in the 4th quarter as to imply that the media was suggesting the Webb move was OBVIOUS.

I explained to my wife that this is what being a vikings fan was ALL about. You have to learn how to watch with pain and watch injured just like the big boys.

D needs some O movement to rest. They get stuck on the field too much. That will wear down any D. QB is the problem. He just dont have "It". He has places to toss the ball, he is just not getting it done. Looks like a flop draft choice. They should have got Flyn. With solid QB play this team could do much better I think. Webb may do a little better, but he is lacking in brains as well. They need a franchise QB or it will be the same crap till AP and Harvin are gone. Webb can certainly do no worse. OH well.
They need a franchise QB or it will be the same crap till AP and Harvin are gone. Webb can certainly do no worse. OH well.

They've had little to no luck with the so-called franchise QB choices in the recent past. Got a few years out of Culpepper and then he was washed up. Everything else has been old guys in the twilight of their careers. Quick fix, but long term answers they have stumbled. In this day and age you are hard pressed to win a super bowl without a QB that can take charge and lead their team. Maybe Ponder will snap out of it, maybe he won't:( Frasier will not sell him out and will either sink with him or prosper with him.
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Your correct, Frazier will go along with Ponder. Injury is possible then we will see Webb:) Otherwise it's Ponder.
I'm not sure about Frazier and his coaching staff? One of the biggest problems is the three plays. Hand of to Adrian Left, Adrian right and the famous "bubble pass" to Percy.
Receivers were open several times at Seattle, Ponder can't hit them.
Ponders NFL experience will be over soon, He just doesn't have it. His crappy play does effect the defense, for sure.
We'll the kid is going to have to learn how to read a defense for one and audible at the line when he see's their bringing the house. They need quick timing routes where Ponder does 2-3 steps and release. He's hanging on to the ball waaaay.... too long and is so worried about the rush, that he's not looking down field. If he does happen to get one off, he's a mile off target. If there not practicing in a way where he's seeing a lot of heat, he'll never figure it out. They need to have Jared Allen put the hurt on him a little in practice. :D
Ponder is at best a third string back up. CFL league. He does not have the "IT" factor. Never will. He would have shown some by now, and just has not. Its history. They need to look forward and file this as a bunk qb draft with the rest of the bunk qb draft choices. That has always been the dumbest pick for the purple. Passed on Rodgers,LOL.
Dang! I thought it was a bye week and they pulled out a win against the Lions. Watched the HD highlights on NFL Sunday ticket and Ponder appeared to be back in early season form. Harvin was out and Peterson was also OUTstanding!!!

Bears go down to Texans so NFC North is interesting to say the least.

Good job Vikes.:cheers:
Ponder can't be smart. He's got a stadium full of cheerleaders and he chooses a reporter 1000 miles away:confused: Wonder why he didn't pick Greta on fox:D
Ouch! Yes, our Packers sucked and sucked really bad. Got beat up and smacked down. Still, I'm picking them over the Queens this Sunday!