Peterson, Harvin and the Queens are Back!

Hold on guys .... let's not get our hopes up just yet. :) True, they brought their A+ game yesterday, but they will need that A+ game every week if their going to be in the thick of things at the end of the year. What may be their real weakness is their lack of depth. Get a bunch of starters injured and things change in a hurry

I love the Vikes, but my jury is still out. :thumbsup:

3-1 and got one on the road?

Hard to believe they were 0-8 in conference games until Detroit.

One would expect a win against titans at home and then the Redskins game will be real interesting. They never play the Skins good on their turf and RGIII will make it tough.
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3 home games in Oct.:thumbsup:

Yah! I think every game will be a nail biter:eek:
Doesn't look like the offense is going to score a lot of points.
What I really like in the last 2 wins is their ability to limit their mistakes. Ponder, while not setting the world on fire, is not hurting the team either with poor decisions, unlike a certain Cowboy's QB. :eek:;) He's being patient and is taking what the defense will give him. They have also kept the turnovers in check and the Defense has really stepped up their game.

I like this style of play so far. Not flashy, but getting the job done.:thumbsup:
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Got one on the road....4-1....Washington should be interesting. I will enjoy watching trying to tackle RGIII.

After what happened to RG3 last week, I think he's not going to want to get hit hard anytime soon. Hope he has learned to slide.....

We need another game like the last couple and we should be fine.
3-1 and got one on the road?

Hard to believe they were 0-8 in conference games until Detroit.

One would expect a win against titans at home and then the Redskins game will be real interesting. They never play the Skins good on their turf and RGIII will make it tough.

ARRRGGHHH....RGIII R2D2 smoked the VikeQueeeeensssss!!!

What an athelete eh? Who can make Peterson and Harvin look second fiddle. I knew my new Harvin Jersey would assure a Vikes loss.
As well as RG3 played, the Vikings moved the ball well. They convert 2 out of the 3 field goals in the 1st qtr and they win the game. They need to get a little better in the play call department when they get down to the red zone.
Lets compare webb VS. ponder
arm strengh webb has a cannon:thumbsup: ponder can throw to the line of scrimage.
running Webb fast:thumbsup: ponder not fast.
Ponder reminds me of chuck long gets to play a couple years because he was a first round draft pick. I see nothing bright for his future. Harvin or AP go down year is over because ponder can't make plays. Line of scrimage passes won't work without talent and you will never beat good teams with that game plan.
Side note viking punter posing for a gay marriage magizine:eek: This team can go lower then the love boat:D Whats next longhorn sheep gay pride calander:D
Whats that a cheer from the no team state? just because Iowa girls are so plump they cant put them on TV. The reason you corn shuckers dont have a team. Dont take it out on us,LOL.

The vikes lost plain and simple from poor decision making from the young qb. It happens. 3 turn overs for a td. take that 21 away and they would have man handled the skins... OH well pheasant hunting goes on.:thumbsup:
Lets compare webb VS. ponder
arm strengh webb has a cannon:thumbsup: ponder can throw to the line of scrimage.
running Webb fast:thumbsup: ponder not fast.
Ponder reminds me of chuck long gets to play a couple years because he was a first round draft pick. I see nothing bright for his future. Harvin or AP go down year is over because ponder can't make plays. Line of scrimage passes won't work without talent and you will never beat good teams with that game plan.
Side note viking punter posing for a gay marriage magizine:eek: This team can go lower then the love boat Whats next longhorn sheep gay pride calander

Notice how Coot tries to get our dander up by posting facts about Ponder that are completely untrue....

I'll give him credit, he sure can sling that silver tongue of his, but we know better and just scoff at him. We'll just chalk it up to jealousy because the NFL wouldn't in there wildest dreams expand to Iowa..... I mean what would they call the team, Des Moines Swine. :D:cheers:
5-2 baby. Shining stars again are Harvin, Peterson and the whole Vikings defense.

Harrison Smith has done #22 proud. Paul Krause was my favorite Viking a while back.

Ponder however, looked about like he did against Redskins and repeated several near fatal mistakes.

Vikes passing game is non existent.:mad:

Great job on picking up another "W":cheers:

I'm heading to the dome with a couple South Dakota buddies on Thursday night when Vikes take on the Bucs.
Ponder was amazing. At least thats what his espn girlfriend said:D I'm sure webb could only dream of playing that good. I'm sure by the end of the season webb will be starting and ponder will lose his espn girlfriend. And she'll be saying once black you never go back:D
Wow what a show ponder put on. He did miss a couple wide open defenders he can't hit them all I guess:mad: year and a half he's making great progress. Ten more years he might be good enough to play for the iowa barnstormers:thumbsup:
Sadly Coot, I can't disagree with you on the way Ponder has played of late. I think the lad's confidence is shot to hell.... But if you think I'm going to jump on the Webb bandwagon you'd be sorely mistaken. Ponder is just going to have to work this out on his own. If he can't seem to climb his way out this year then maybe i would entertain the thought of another QB next year. My expectations of the Vikes before the season started weren't high, in fact I think I had them going 5-11 on this board. Who knows that's still possible. :eek:
Wow what a show ponder put on. He did miss a couple wide open defenders he can't hit them all I guess:mad: year and a half he's making great progress. Ten more years he might be good enough to play for the iowa barnstormers:thumbsup:

Coot I hate to say you are right but my old man was always blasting the Vikes and I got tired of that too:eek:

We are at the game game and the suck factor was off the charts. Good thing we had plenty of:cheers:

Cheerleaders were:10sign:

Peterson and Harvin did not dissapoint once again. I will watch just for them. I think Webb should go into give Ponder the wake up call he needs. I believe we will see it soon. The 5 yard screen pass thrown in the dirt sealed it for me in the first quarter.