NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Really nice rain in Dodge. Heard one report south of Dodge of 3.00". Only a trace at the ranch.
Maynard, I watched that rain for two hours run right at me and it died within 3 miles of my house! We got .01 out of that. Didn't even run the freckles together on my windshield! Ya'all gotte not squeeze the next one so hard:)
I was watching the radar from the house in Dodge and could see the usual routine at the ranch and it boiled right up to the property line and slid around me. After all these years I am used to it.
Maynard, are you South or Southeast or?? from the Big City????:cheers:
Glad ya'll are seeing some we all know what hardship you have endured the last 2 years. God speed some rain your way Troy.....

Troy have been seeing or hearing any birds calling at Byron?
We've been seeing quail pairs and hearing males. No broods of anything yet. We're overflowing with dillers though.
This is what I thought!!!! I was way off!!!

By yimmeny, guess you just have to ask and you get rain! The one cell in Kansas and it's giving me some right now!!! Tankee!
Troy the Feral hogs will be the next unwanted species. I'm seeing and hearing good quail numbers, but we have had good rains so far. Hope to avoid the 100+ days and hopefully sneakin a few more summer rains.
I'm with you on the rain. I think the quail could do ok with the spring we're having and the carryover. Pheasants will be spotty. As for hogs, we have several areas in the State that have them. The Ag department is doing a good job of whacking them though. We just need folks to understand just how detrimental they are. We have plenty of things to hunt without them.

First let me say congratulations on your 1000th post. Of which most I have read and more importantly learned from.

I wish I could explain the Hog issue from start to finish. I have 8 years of historical data on 90K acres. What I will tell you is the USDA APHIS Arial program is the best bang for the dollars when trying to suppress the problem. We've had great success in trapping, but very labor intensive and takes time to do it right! The key is to eliminate them as soon as possible!

I am sure the reduction in Hog density and aggressive Coyote predation, couple with Mother-Nature help is leading to this year early successes here.
Thanks Okie! I hadn't even noticed I was getting near 1000. I guess I just get on here to talk with folks with the same interests. It's hard to do sometimes in the real world. It's hard to find folks that are as mired in their recreation as some of us are. The roots are deep and the attraction total! Glad I can put out some of the information I glean through work and play.
Who'd a thunk it, picked up 1.65 inches out of that little storm last night. It just sat here for over 2 hours! That'll grow some things!
Awesome Drifter, glad you received some well deserved moisture. Looks like a hot dry spell here at the Ponderosa, but this year is so much better than the previous years.