NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Looked like a maybe for you. Have you gotten any rain yet? Boy it sure seems to just pass like there's a wall if not!
I have been gone for a few days. Hired man said a little drizzle and a hard freeze is all that happened in my absence.
Looks promising for some good moisture Tomm (EVE) Fingers crossed!!! Got to build up that sub moisture!!!:thumbsup:
Here she comes! Stay together please!!!
Every smidgen helps I'm sure, but it's beginning to look as if we all need to get together and move your ground to another place!
For whatever reason, the Byrd Ranch gets less rainfall than Dodge. I have seen it my whole life and I am sure my hired hand thought it was a bunch of bull when he started with me, but after eight years on the payroll, he knows it to be true. It is what it is and it is home to me.
Can't catch a break at the Byron Walker! We totalled .23 in two days with this recent rainfall. Hard to stomach when Larned gleaned 2.3 inches. I wonder what that'd be like. We drained and killed out the lake last month and the recharge is dismal. I'm hoping that the leaf drop will increase recharge significantly, but some serious run off would surely help. The springs are not what they usually are.
For whatever reason, the Byrd Ranch gets less rainfall than Dodge. I have seen it my whole life and I am sure my hired hand thought it was a bunch of bull when he started with me, but after eight years on the payroll, he knows it to be true. It is what it is and it is home to me.

Looking out at the crowded place I live and the small yards even though my subdivision has 1 acre lots, and that is way bigger than most, I think I envy you of your drought riden ranch/home. I'm sure you have some lovely views and elbow room! Hope you get some rain soon. We have had a fair amount of rain this year, but I am afraid all our trees are really stressed from the heat and dought of four years ago!
My wife and I shared a table at a wedding dance Saturday night with a soil technician. He had core sampled to nineteen feet and found no moisture, except a couple lightly moist layers about an inch thick. Sadly, there is no sub soil moisture in my area.
19' That is incredible! I am a high school science teacher and we talk about this stuff a lot in my Environmental Science classes. I have been trying to get them to understand the significance of this drought. This is a good illustration of how severe it is.
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With a drought going on 2 yrs now one would think that people would want to conserve what precious water we have left. I work for a university and all summer long they watered, watered, watered, some landed on the grass, some landed on the streets but none the less they watered so that their lawns could stay a plush, beautiful, green.

Meanwhile on my way to work at that university I cross the KS river and each day it seems a little lower than the day before. Then I realize that the water out of that river is going on lawns to keep them green. Nevermind the fish and wildlife that river supports or the crops it irrigates for your food. Give me a green lawn be damned!

Now, you would think that a university with all of the "higher" education going on there would realize that maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be watering so much.

Oh well, as long as my lawn stays green and my BMW stays washed I'm happy......... I'll deal with the water shortage later. Right now I think I see a brown patch of grass.
With a drought going on 2 yrs now one would think that people would want to conserve what precious water we have left. I work for a university and all summer long they watered, watered, watered, some landed on the grass, some landed on the streets but none the less they watered so that their lawns could stay a plush, beautiful, green.

Meanwhile on my way to work at that university I cross the KS river and each day it seems a little lower than the day before. Then I realize that the water out of that river is going on lawns to keep them green. Nevermind the fish and wildlife that river supports or the crops it irrigates for your food. Give me a green lawn be damned!

Now, you would think that a university with all of the "higher" education going on there would realize that maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be watering so much.

Oh well, as long as my lawn stays green and my BMW stays washed I'm happy......... I'll deal with the water shortage later. Right now I think I see a brown patch of grass.

so disgustingly true...
With a drought going on 2 yrs now one would think that people would want to conserve what precious water we have left. I work for a university and all summer long they watered, watered, watered, some landed on the grass, some landed on the streets but none the less they watered so that their lawns could stay a plush, beautiful, green.

Meanwhile on my way to work at that university I cross the KS river and each day it seems a little lower than the day before. Then I realize that the water out of that river is going on lawns to keep them green. Nevermind the fish and wildlife that river supports or the crops it irrigates for your food. Give me a green lawn be damned!

Now, you would think that a university with all of the "higher" education going on there would realize that maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be watering so much.

Oh well, as long as my lawn stays green and my BMW stays washed I'm happy......... I'll deal with the water shortage later. Right now I think I see a brown patch of grass.

My wife has been saying the same thing all summer. When I look out and see my neighbor watering his lawn nearly every day of this drought summer, I wonder if he realizes how selfish he is. I also know he's the type of guy to sit at the gas station's BS table and complain about my unmaintained, "ugly" brown yard over coffee with other locals. This is a real sore spot with me that makes me very :mad: