NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

It is coming this way. Quite a light show to the west at the moment. Deputy stopped by the ranch earlier and they had been quite busy responding to fires. I know a saw a lightning strike this evening and the smoke rolled immediately. Deputy said that fire was twenty-five miles west of me.

I have been working fire blocks in my wheat stubble just in case.

Thanks for the prayers.
Looking at the radar estimates it looks like I got between 1 and 2 inches on my farm 25 miles east of Garden. It should have filled my new guzzlers. At least the area is receiving more moisture than last year even if it is hotter than hell.
Hot and dry here and these boys came out to play in the sprinkler

I talked to a neighbor that lives by Yucca Acres (thats what I call my farm 25 miles east of Garden) and he recieved 1.6 inches. That should be enough to fill my guzzlers and allow the govt. to get the cover crop up on the WRP. It will also help my head high windbreaks a lot. Thats the most I have had in one rain event since I bought the place over a year ago.
So Manyard, is the drought still on officially for you and the area you are at? I heard from my fellow over near Ingalls, that Dodge and east of Ingalls and Cimarron have had rain, don't know if that is true or not.

So I just want to know if the drought has ended or not:eek::thumbsup::confused:

I hope it has.....

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There are some huge irrigation systems in the Ingalls area. Could it be that they are under the sprinklers?;)

I wish I could say the drought had ended here, but it is still with us. Lots of trees died last year and the survivors are looking pretty poorly at the moment. June is a usual high rainfall month, but very little this year.

Just back from lunch at Bad Habits. Thought you would want to know.

I keep praying for you guys in Colorado Springs.
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There are some huge irrigation systems in the Ingalls area. Could it be that they are under the sprinklers?;)

I wish I could say the drought had ended here, but it is still with us. Lots of trees died last year and the survivors are looking pretty poorly at the moment. June is a usual high rainfall month, but very little this year.

Just back from lunch at Bad Habits. Thought you would want to know.

I keep praying for you guys in Colorado Springs.

Manyard, thanks for rubbing it in about the Bad Habit:thumbsup::cheers::p

I still brag to some folks about how I got a HUGE T-bone steak, salad all the sides and fixings for like $18!! :eek:

I hope some of this monsoon moisture that we are starting to get this week moves y'alls way. Believe it or not we are supposed to be like 80degrees this weekend. Although I saw that Lamar, CO was 107 on the 4th, tied for hottest temp in the entire country.

My wife has a passion for a good chicken fried steak, so that was our lunch. Price was up $2 on a chicken fry, so could have moved up to a ribeye for not much more, but it was lunch, not dinner.

Glad to hear about your weather. I will accept any rainfall you pass on.
I see it and am hopeful. I did see two pheasant hatches at the Byrd Ranch yesterday. Pairs of quail, but no little ones in sight.

Turkey are doing well.

Boy! That is a nice flock of birds there. Hope you got some or are getting some rain! Trees are much better than I would have expected to see!
We finally got 2.5" over the weekend. Tornado type winds Saturday. Leaves got stripped off beans in several fields. At least we got rain.
No rain in the 10 day forecast for much of KS. Praying y'all get some big rains soon and the birds make it through these last 5-6 weeks of extreme heat.
It is ugly here. Oh what I would give for some cool temps and rain. The soil is baked like pottery and really won't take moisture. It is really unbelievable.