NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Please tell me at least one of those storms that I see on the radar screen just east of you @ around 6:30 p.m. came down right on top of your head (& fields) @ the Ponderosa...

Sorry, not a drop.
I'm sure he's out there enjoying it right now; just dancing and/or singing in the rain. I know my family and I were outside to enjoy every drop as it passed through our side of the state.

I have been out, but not in the rain. I have been blessed the last few nights with some spectacular sunsets and moonrises. :thumbsup:
I was counting this morning- 61 drops on the sidewalk- lightning and thunder

Do you have that compulsive disorder, whatever it is?:) Knew a guy that had to count the number of brick on the front of his wife's office before he went in and now I hear of you counting raindrops on the sidewalk?:):)

Yes, it is dry, so dry. We sure need some relief.
Do you have that compulsive disorder, whatever it is?:) Knew a guy that had to count the number of brick on the front of his wife's office before he went in and now I hear of you counting raindrops on the sidewalk?:):)

Yes, it is dry, so dry. We sure need some relief.

clouds came in, thunder and lightening- you know when you spoke of taking off all your clothes- was it bare dancing- well- it's so dry here I'm mad I got the John Deer out a couple weeks ago- it rained- a few drops fell- then something happened- we didn't do the proper rain dance

btw- did you see the program on TV last weekend about Black Blizzard
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I am overwhelmed by your thoughts and prayers for Murry and for rain for this dry ground. I was talking to my neighbor this morning and he has never seen it this dry and he has me beat on age by quite a bit.

Murry is hurting. He is getting his pain pills morning and evening. He goes to the ranch everyday. The pain meds are helping him be more mobile and at least use his left leg some. It has lost about half its mass. He will go back to vet next week and will see what vet says.

He is happiest being with me. He can't get in the tractor cab with me like he used to, so with what we have been doing lately he has been in the ranch truck with my hired man who has been working on fence. There are some shade trees there and he parks under them and takes Murry back to headquarters to get a drink and roam a bit. Water well out there at the moment so have to haul a little water from another well for him. Hopefully, the well man will be out tomorrow afternoon and make repairs on two wells.

Thanks again guys, and God Bless.
Sorry to hear about Murry Maynard! Hard to see the years and miles weigh on them. That's a prayer chain I'll be on too! God Bless!
Some storms moving out of Liberal and Okla and Garden. Today may be the day???????
I have thunder rumbling- backed the dust covered Escape out of the garage- would like the rain to wash it off- more to follow