As a matter of fact I did get naked today---maybe it will rain. I had a 12 volt auto battery on my fence charger that went dead and needed charged. Took it to the shop and charged it, but when I went to put it back on the fence charger, the fence charger didn't work. Got the voltmeter and checked and only 10 volts. Check the water and the end cell is dry, but the others are okay. Add some water and put it back on the battery charger. I go in the shop, tilt it slightly to get my hand under it and pick it up and carry it out. All of sudden my leg is wet and I see the side of the battery is wet. My leg is burning, but the pants aren't smoking like acid usually does. I drop my drawers and head to the house. I see the leg of my briefs are wet also, so I drop them also. I didn't have a change of clothes and underwear at the ranch, so I am washing my pants and undies and drying them. Only went outside a few times to change the water in the yard, so don't know if that qualifies for 'neked rain dancing'.