

New member
Lost my good bud today due to the heat. He was 8 and in his prime. Please everyone be very careful in this heat with your friends. He had food water shade under a big tree but it still was too hot for him. We we miss him terribly. God speed Luke. We love you.
Sorry to hear the sad news.:( Hope you manage to hand in there.

Thank you for the warning too. We've got the heat coming in tomorrow.
A dog holds a very special place in our hearts and I am saddened for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss. This heat is miserable, and I have been very anxious for our dogs and other animals as well.
Well I guess I'm in the market for a new dog. I'm thinking either Brittney, Setter or Short Hair. I had Brits when I was a kid and have had a GSHP but never a setter. Not sure what I'll do yet but if anyone knows anything out there please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

Very sorry to hear about Luke.
That's terrible Tim! Sorry to hear about Luke. I hope you and your family find a new best friend and you can all move on with as little misery as possible.
My sincere condolences, Tim.
So sorry to hear about the dog... needless to say my old dog is put up in the AC with "grandpa", who is retired. They can hang out together all day, which is something I cannot offer.
I'm so sorry to hear this, and sorry for you and for your dog. Heat stroke isn't pretty and can happen so quickly. I guess it would be troblesome to keep cleaned of algae but consider getting a couple of kid's wading pools and the dogs can get in an out as they want to cool themselves. I say get two because if you stack them it will help to prevent the dog's toenails from penetrating the plastic through both layers. Also consider a cooling fan if you can. I have one for my dog and though she is in the house she sure heads for it when she comes in aftrer getting hot running around in the yard. Home Depot stores have some sturdy black polypropolyene tubs that I think are for masonary work that make good cooling pools for dogs. I wish they were white but anything is better than nothing.
I once went to examine a dog that was found dead in a home in the middle of the winter. The dog was in a finished basement in a cage and the home was heated, but just regular temperature anyone might have in a home about 70*. The owner actually worked for me but was on vacation at the time and had a neighbor kid feeding the dog. There was snow on the ground outside, Feb. It was about two hours after death when I was contacted to check the dog and the body temp was just above 111* F!!! Amazing! It was a big dog but what could explain a temp that high 2 hrs after death, other than malignant hyperthermia? Just saying sometimes some weird things can happen.

It is 103* here right now and it feels really brutal! Again I'm very sorry for your loss.
Bill Knight D.V.M., retired
we always bring our dog in the house when it gets to hot or to cold.not sure that is a good thing,but we can't syand to see them in the severe heat
Very sad. My heart goes out to you.

Everyone please use caution when doing anything in this heat. The dogs don't know when to shut it down, they will just keep going unless WE shut them down.