Lets See Your Dogs..post some pic's

Took Indy out tonight to work a couple of birds. Had a good night, the first time he did not take steps after the flush. Maybe starting to get the idea that he is supposed to be standing there after the bird flushes, rather than running the 100 yard dash :)

Steve, you getting some rain? that grass looks real green

We got some last week, but we are pretty dry, The spot I have been training him was bailed early this year and looks better than some areas.

Looks like we may get some rain tonight, We are better than last year, but need to get some steady light rain a few time in the next week or so.
Alan you can see what this spot looks like. It is really pretty dry. Didn't get any rain, the storms went just north

Put two launcher side by side in the trees about 40 yards in front of where he is pointing.

Zoomed in a little, from about 100 yards away.

He had a good night. Was still standing after both birds were launched and after I tossed a 3rd bird over his head. That was good progress for him.
Mstand "then you proof it with a hotdog" :laugh:


Hey, have to admit, it took a couple of times to get him to understand that the hotdog wasnt a treat until I told him! You should have seen the strings of slobber!! LMAO

Puppy pics rock!


You have to watch this video. This is Max with his daughter Sophie! Look how gentle he was. Click on picture to play video

"The Dude"

These are some pics of my 5 month old GSP, "Dude". Here he's pointing a quail wing while carrying his training dummy. Can't wait til fall arrives!
Took Ace out with Indy and I today so that I could have Indy back him, and learn that he is supposed to stay standing after the flush even if he is backing. Still got some work to do there :D



Indy thinking about taking a step :)
That is great! I know that our two boys would intentionally never understand!

Reminds me of bumper training with Dakota ... If I have a Dokken trainer (his favorite) and a plain ol' canvas bumper, which I alternate between throws, Dakota will blink the canvas one ... ":confused:I can't find it :confused:" if I have 2 canvas bumpers only, and place them practically anywhere in 10 acres, he can find them both in 2 minutes! ... "Hey buddy, this ain't my first rodeo, you are Weimar #3, I already got you figgered out." :laugh: One evening we were having a battle of wills ... I had the Dokken and he was supposed to be finding the canvas bumper ... he had been "looking everywhere" for 10 minutes. My wife came along down the trail with our female Weim, Julia, and saw that I was disgruntled. She said "Julia, find it" ... found the canvas bumper, then I threw her the Dokken, she retrieved in front of Dakota, then we went home. :D

Hey, have to admit, it took a couple of times to get him to understand that the hotdog wasnt a treat until I told him! You should have seen the strings of slobber!! LMAO
From today working Indy on a couple of pigeons

This was from a few nights ago. I had flown these young pigeons, but they didn't go into the loft. Don't know how long Indy was standing out there :)
Unexpeced new puppy

Went with my friend to look at a new puppy he was getting--guess what-- he left with a different new pup. Someone backed out of this pup and gave up the deposit and Bob got it for the differnece between the deposit and the end cost--it is the 4th lab he or someone in his family has from this breeder and all are excellent hunters--he still plans on getting the one we went to look at also.:D

Buddy and Ellie

<a href="http://s262.photobucket.com/albums/ii84/setterbud/dogs/?action=view&current=040.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii84/setterbud/dogs/040.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
My pup has been doing great testing. This pic is from his first birthday, the same day he earned his JH title!