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  • Yeah, she's been sleeping good. I get up at five for work every day, so she has learned that too. Makes it tough on weekends when I would like to sleep in a little!
    Just started some more formal training Sat. Short 5 minute walks with the lead, a whistle, and a choke collar. Sits on the whistle already with the lead on. I'm taking my time though, not too serious about it. After all, she is still just a pup.
    It really is amazing though what good genetics mean. For two weeks now, she has been finding wings we hide on her if I take her downwind of them. But the best part is when I put the wing up. She will not stop hunting for them, runs around like crazy and goes back to every place I hid them. Cool to watch.
    Anyhow, thanks Gatzby for asking how it's going. I appreciate that!:cheers:
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