If it's still on count me in, at least for the Jan 15th vittles & bullshoot session! Would be really nice if both lunch & a follow-up dinner are in the mix. I will probably stay somewhere nearby & hunt 2-3 days for the wknd, since I am already driving that far from Denver anyway. :thumbsup:
I plan on making it kind of a grand-finale/wind-down/chill-out of sorts to the season for myself. I should be over all of the willies by then & done running-wild after birds (LOL, I'm not talking about the dog - but ME, the 2nd yr newbie livin near pheasant hog-heaven for the first time in my life)!!!

Hopefully, I will have already pre-hunted a bit somewhere within an hour or two of town earlier in the season & have an idea where to scratch up a few birds.
Seriously, it would be great to meet & hang out with a bunch of fellow UPHers. It would be an added bonus to hunt together with a couple of you flusher-men, but not absolutely necessary as I am used to hunting quite a bit by myself just me & the pooch (and actually sometimes prefer it some days, especially on opening day & the very tail-end of the season). I need something like this as an excuse/encouragement to finally make it out to western KS like I keep telling myself - so far, I never can seem to make it past all the eastern CO roosters standing in the way!
Hope none of y'all smarty-pants practical jokers are like one of my best friends from Philly who once you get him started you better know when & where to draw the line - cause he's always willing to take it just one more notch & gonna get in the last lick, no matter where that goes (stolen sermon notes right be4 standing up to preach, road-kill in the mailbox or under the truck seat, a hot-coffee spoon-burn "hickey" on the neck to have to explain to the wife - whatever it takes)! Touche' boys, it's on!!! BTW, he's not coming & I ain't that bad...
