1. I don't recall talking about how great my dogs are... Find the post.
2. Tongues hanging out? - I just remembered that weren't you the guy that didn't want them pointing birds with a tongue hanging out of their mouths? That you would cull them for that? That is the dumbest thing I think I've read. Seriously. And you have written some ridiculously moronic things.
3. There are more lols here then in most middle school text messages. Seriously, use some semblance of intelligence. I have a Master's degree in teaching English as a Second Language, and every time I read one of your ill constructed, borderline incomprehensible posts, I feel like I'm reading one of those student's works. At least, however, those students have the excuse of trying to learn English as a second language. I'm unsure of what your excuse is.
I just don't understand how difficult it is for you to press a shift button. Or maybe, just maybe, a comma, or period button. Are they broken? Maybe your computer is broken. Or phone. Or tablet, or whatever you string that garbled mess of letters you call a post is. Maybe you didn't pass 3rd grade English class? I don't know but I sure would like some insight.[/ lol well I didn't pass 3rd grade English I will have to agree with that one but if you have a masters degree in English I can guarantee I crush you in the money making category 30k a year not to impressive

ok now trip over your feet to get to my post mr help someone if they wanted some info on where to gp pheasant hunting lol this is starting to get funny quit it carp