How many birds each season?

I’ve driven at least 15,000 miles with Lena next to me…the other 2 don’t get the courtesy, they would be distractions. Anyway, this place is like a 7th grade classroom…I just insulted 7th grade classrooms!!!😆
A $hit show to be sure, at least some of the time. Spend some time on…whole different experience…not necessarily funny, but I don’t come here for that, but that’s what we get…at best, some humor…😜
Thread is great, i like a good poo show now an again, thanks for your whiny, insulting, funny 7th grade contribution
Unless there’s a cheeseburger in my lap it’s not much of a problem
I have those Kurgo covers on my front buckets and the back seat. Best I've found so far for easy on/off coupled with good protection and stable fit. I also have that dog hammock deal that A5 Sweet 16 suggested. Really an improvement in keeping the truck reasonable clean while hunting.
Being accused of being a poacher by someone who doesn’t have a f******* clue will elicit that reaction in me…did then, will again if it happens…probably just me, maybe that’s common stuff…actually, it does seem kinda commonplace around here…
Except the gas station, the sporting goods store and the various other people that are part of hunting like the licenses. It is just the people that are nice enough to let you hunt that you don't pay.
Nope, no money. I'm not going to fuel that trend.
The topic of making laws and such is interesting. I have acquaintances in the UK, they can’t believe the things we get away with here on the farm. They have rules and regulations for everything, always the possibility of an inspection.

I‘ll try to explain it thusly: In the UK with all the rules and inspections if you have the documentation and something goes south, you are safe from most any legal action against you.

In the US you can do whatever but if things go south you are exposed to whatever legal action someone wants to bring to you.

The dog in the car for example. IF you are in an accident and it is shown that at least some of the cause COULD have been a pup loose with you, grab your ankles.

So, pick your poison. Safety by regulation or safety by the threat of litigation. Me, I guess I like it this way.

Back to the topic at hand.
Im in central Iowa and I usually get between 20 to 30. Almost all public land with wild birds and I lose a few also. I try to get out at least once or twice a week when possible.
Enough to keep us going back after them.
If numbers are interesting, I'll say this. I moved to Des Moines in 2001 & hunted public land in central IA that fall, without a dog, just as I'd done in SD for the previous 20 years fairly successfully. I hunted hard & shot only 5 roosters. That next summer I got my first FBESS Walt, who turned 5 months old on opening day 2002. That year I shot 35 roosters in the same places. I had no idea what I'd been missing. Incredible. I'm now on my 3rd FBESS & have been blessed to be back in God's country since 2007.
I've had hunting dogs, one at a time, since I was a kid. I wouldn't hunt without my dog.its a team effort.
Agreed. It is certainly not a competition with anyone. I know there are ALOT of guys on here who are much better pheasant hunters than I, probably with better dogs, better shooting, etc. Many of those same guys will likely only shoot a handful of birds this year, either due to health, work, family, location, age, land access, etc.

Certainly, birds killed is not indicative of how good of hunter you are. I track my hours hunted, counties, miles, etc. more or less for my own enjoyment and to compare year to year. The only competition here is with myself - every year I try and shoot more public land roosters than the year before, and try to hunt more counties than the years prior.
I sincerely envy all you guys that live in prime pheasant states and take advantage of that. Here in Michigan, the wild birds are very far and few between. I think it's awesome that you're able to pursue this passion of pheasant hunting so proficiently. With that many wild birds in the freezer I am sure you can be very "adventurous" with great recipes. The only thing better than hunting pheasants is eating them!

Merry Christmas to all and I hope the rest of your season is fun are productive!

I wouldn't hunt without my dog
Neither would I. But I can say with 100% positivity that I've hunted with other hunter's dogs that ruined the hunt. And in those situations, we would have for sure been better off without that dog.
Unfortunately, I've been that guy whose dog ruined the hunt.
At least you recognized the problem. The owners of the dogs that ruined the hunt I was on couldn't recognize the problem, or weren't willing to admit to it. Its very difficult to tell someone you know that their dog is the problem. People get offended by it. Needless to say, when I invited them again, I told them their dog wasn't welcome. Some of them understood but a couple of them blew a fuse.
I believe that. Thats one reason I don't take a group anymore. I know it takes a while for a dog to learn how to handle wild birds, so I don't want to ruin someone's once every 5 years hunt with my pup or have my own ruined by someone else's dog. If I have a young dog, I try and get far enough away from my buddy to not screw him up. I live near a DNR put and take deal. They turn as many as 10 people loose in a 30-acre patch. You cannot leave your assigned area until 2:00. Sometimes you will see guys running ahead with these crazy dogs flushing everyone's birds out of the area. I live near so I wait for the circus to be over then go in. It's usually peaceful and I can get the dogs tuned up before my trip west!