Favorite shotgun?

I have three shotguns as listed in my signature. They are all great but my favorite is - the Beretta!

I love my 1100/1187's. I can strip them with my eyes closed. I actually prefer the little extra weight of my new 11-87 20 gauge to some of the ultra light 20's on the market.

Yeah- I bought an 11- 87 20 guage mag. I really like it, cycles everything, and well balanced.
Ithaca 16 gauge side by side (1921 vintage Flues) in IC and Mod chokes. Browning Citori 16 gauge over under (2003) with Invector chokes. Back up gun is an Ithaca 51 Magnum (3" chamber) semi-auto 20 gauge (1980ish) with fixed mod choke.
As of yesterday, my newest favorite is my Browning Cynergy Satin Field 20. Shoots and handles better than any shotgun I've put to my shoulder. My A5 Sweet Sixteen is special but the Cynergy heads the list.
#1 is a Winchester model 12 16ga with a Simmons rib and fit to me. Made in 1954

#2 1983 Remington 870 wing master. Still looks good and shoots where I look
I reckon I'll add my two cents.
I've had so many. I prefer break open guns with the one exception of my 12g BUL.
The one that got away: 16g Fox
The one seems like has stayed the longest: Winchester 20g 101 Skeet Model--its comes up and the bird goes down.

To replace the Fox and LC I'm hunting for a British 12.
Beretta AL391, love it.

Really want to move to a 16 gauge semi-auto. Any recommendations other than an A5 Sweet Sixteen?
Browning A-5 20 gauge light loads with 26" ribbed barrel- made in Japan. I like the newer A-5 Japan to shoot vs the Belgium. This is predominately used on quail- probably shot 1000 boxes shells through it- can't ever remember a jam