Favorite shotgun?

favorite gun- upland

so have to be the recently traded for Citori 28 inch barreled 16 gauge... has a new stock installed. LEFT IT ON the hood of my truck, while chatting with other hunters last fall, and drove away an hour later... saw it fall off, and roll down the gravel road
( don't do what I did, put your dogs away first, then guns, then have lunch!).. hunted all fall with a crack, thought it best to fix before this fall...

likely second choice will be the new 16 ga SWEET Sixteen coming this fall!!!!

notice how many picked a 16 ga gun! interesting.
20 gauge Citori Superlight Feather. Real light to carry. Probably the best shooting shotgun( for me ) I've ever had.
Tough question!

And the answer could vary every day.... But, I enjoy SxS inmensly, they handle well and look in even better. The problem lays on how much the ones I really like cost. In any event my go to upland gun is a Beretta Silver Pigeon in 28ga with 28" pipes. I shoot it well and its releable, doesn't look too bad either.
CZ Upland SxS 20ga is my favorite. After a covey flush and my buddy has fired 3 or 4 rounds for a bird, I love saying, "I got 2". It actually happens quite often. I just shoot it good. Used to hunt birds with a Remington 1100 20ga that my dad bought about a month before he found out he was gonna be my dad. So that is pretty cool.
Citori 20 ga. with 26" barrels. I also have a Citori 12 ga. with 28" barrels but the older I get the 20 ga. is much more enjoyable to carry.
I have too many to dedicate to just one favorite.

Their all near and dear to my heart. I'm a classic era man. When "real" guns were built like a Auto 5, model 12, model 97, model 37 Ithaca, Superposed, Etc. No stamped toaster parts and hair springs. Real Walnut and no plastic. When men that were taught a trade built our guns instead of house wives and fresh out of high school kids. When "Made(or owned) In USA" meant something. When a box of 22LR was as common on the shelf as bread and butter and people weren't clawing each other eye's out to get a box, paying 20 folds for them. When Christmas ad's in the Sears and Wards catalog showed children opening a new gun as a present. Those days are gone and I fit into today's world like a square peg in a round hole.

If I had to only have one gun to do it all. Shockingly..I would probably have to choose my Camo Browning 3'5" 12ga Cynergy simply because of non toxic game laws. I have shot a train car load of game with it over the years.

God Bless

Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon V with 28" barrels 12 ga. The stock was bent to my dimensions. It is never left behind when I hunt Pheasants.
Browning A5. Heavy, but very reliable. A chore to completely take down and clean, but it doesn't seem to need that type of cleaning very often. Been shooting it since 1965 - 1941 vintage gun.
I have an 1187 premier light contour that's close to twenty years old and I've shot every load imaginable with it. Taken every game from dove to deer with it wot out fail. One o ring replacement. That's my go to gun it's heavy in the field all day but it shoots man.
I've got a1972 Remington 870 wingmaster grade a trap with three barrels thats as smooth as butter action of any gun I've had. Shotgun, Rifle, pistol, etc... It's fit n finish is unreal. Balanced and swings like no other. Those would be my two...
I love my 1100/1187's. I can strip them with my eyes closed. I actually prefer the little extra weight of my new 11-87 20 gauge to some of the ultra light 20's on the market.
95% of my upland is done with two guns; an older 685 Beretta 20ga choked IC/M that weighs 5lb13oz and a German built 16sxs that weighs about 6.5lbs. Snipe, quail, dove, pheasant, crow, rabbit, squirrel, teal or wood ducks I'll be carrying one of these two.
Bob M
I'm a new member and am quite surprised by the number of guys who listed a 16 ga. gun as their favorite. I have a Belgian guild 16 ga. SxS that I use when the weather allows for a two trigger day. otherwise I use by single trigger DeHaan. I mostly load my own shells for the 16 ga.

I'm a new member and am quite surprised by the number of guys who listed a 16 ga. gun as their favorite. I have a Belgian guild 16 ga. SxS that I use when the weather allows for a two trigger day. otherwise I use by single trigger DeHaan. I mostly load my own shells for the 16 ga.


A properly built 16 should always be a good upland choice IMHO.