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  • I see you live in fritch, im in borger. Would you happen to know anybody that has a 2 hole dog box for sale? My number is 806-626-3250
    I know it's been awhile; however, did you ever find a box. I'm moving and may have one for sale. Let me know.
    JMc, I noticed you work in Fritch, I've been coming over for about 10 plus years for about a week or 2 to hunt ducks and quail around the lake. I am planning on coming over in Dec and again in Jan to mainly hunt quail. Do you know if they had good hatches in the area this year. I love this place and think it is an awesome place to hunt. Usually little to no crowds. It's like having it all to yourself usually. I have a duck hunting contact in Amirillo but that's all he hunts and doesn't know about quail. Any help would be appreciated. I have never told anyone where I go. Only the friend that comes with me knows about this place. I tend to top secret about even my places I travel to hunt. Any help would be much appreciated. Todd
    I talked with KansasBrittany (Chad) and he is really frustrated with Uguide. I got several long PM's from Lazer backing Uguide to the hilt. I almost got to the point that I was going to tell him to stick UPH where the sun doesn't shine. He was being as big an ass as Uguide. Take care.
    Wonder if the guy about the charity hunt-- in group builder shouldn't be checked out some--something does not seem quite right--hope I'm wrong--left same message for George (Zeb)
    I had to send you a note to let you know that I think you Avatar of the Rooster looking into the Trail Cam is just one of those Hilarious "a picture is worth a thousand words" things I've seen in years. I showed your Avatar to some of the guys I hunt with and they had the same reaction. We think the Rooster has that "COME ON...REALLY..DO YOU MIND?!?!?!" look. That's a keeper.
    I have a issue, check out these posts. He has a obvious issue and continues to be abrasive with his posts. I have done my best to ignore him but it's getting old. Most of you mods know me well enough by now, that I will only put up with this so long. I wish to avoid me blasting this guy. It only will lead to nothing good. I can't believe my dislike for black plastic guns could effect anybody to this degree. He needs to accept it and move on. He's looking for a response out on the open board. I don't want to give him one but won't be hunted every day either.

    Thanks, Onpoint



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