Dove Hunting

Dove hunting is new to Iowa, so I don't know much about it. Those fellows that shoot them by the pail full, what happens to them ? Do you folks breast them out and make a meal of them ?

The snow geese hunters by and large discard the harvest, I guess I can see that.

Oh no We breast them and eat them. Dove poppers and kabobs. Yummy! Key to eating them is to clean them right away and get them on Ice. Other wise they taste like liver.:cheers:
looking forward to doves here in Illinois....just hope it's not this hot...

hot weather here in Colorado is a major plus, typically sometime in the next 3 weeks we will get a couple of days in the mid 60's and there they go. what has always confused me is if our local dove move out cause a couple of cool days and then warm up again, why don't the dove from up north that move down, hang around awhile. dunno,

How was everyone opener? Had a lot of severe storms this am in Crawford county spent most of the time in the truck,dodging lighting bolts. Did see a ton of birds, at one spot, by a private flower field( dude really had this set up very nice, about 20 acres of flowers, pond in the middle) we saw at least 1000 birds in the air, at one time. Most birds I have ever saw. Can't wait for this afternoon, hope the storms hold off
Lake of the Ozarks area was also very stormy. Morning hunt was sitting in the neighbors garage drinking coffee with the mojos in the front yard . Rain let up twice long enough for little turtle to help seven year old neighbor boy put the stalk on a couple doves. Two 410 shells later we split one whole breast for lunch. Mcchickens saved the day. Sun out now will be heading to dove oasis soon.
Shot 6 this am and hope to put a couple more in the fridge tonight. Not a lot of birds but I still went through two boxes of shells
Went out and sat by a pond with standing corn to the South. Shot one at first light and then another one in about the next hour or so, very slow. Was headed back into town and passed a cut corn field and they were flying all over the place. The boy and I pulled into the farm house and the guy was nice as all heck and said "have at it". So, ended up shooting 12 in the next hour and a half. Good opening morning, heading back out to another place here in an hour or so. Will swing by a 12 pack for the nice guy from this morning.
Texas/Mexican Border

twice this past week ran the dogs out in farm country and have hardly seen a dove, mostly they have quit my feeder in the back yard. last week we had a couple of 65 deg. days and 2" of rain, hard to believe that had anything to do with it, besides, I think some of the last hatch may not even be able to fly yet. hope it doesn't mean much


They are down here my friend. Little Baggins and I melted our barrels this morning. I now have a NEW best "Honey Hole" ever. I don't know if these doves speak Texas, Mexican or Kansan. I had to take a senior nap after all that shooting. Guess I will head back tomorrow morning if my energy level returns.

We started about an hour after LST but it didn't matter. The doves kept coming and coming. Only heard a few other shots way off in the distance. Sure was a good time with my son. The forecast for the next week is hot and dry so the birds should stick around here for a bit. Only problem, it does get pretty warm in that camo when the sun hits it.
hot spot

well, mine wasn't, the 13 year old kid I got out of bed did hit 5, dove were not thick in fact few and far between. the area yesterday got 1.5 " of rain and some hail, gotta have an excuse

Got set up with my chair and drinks first light. Went 1 for 1 and then 2 for 5. I was done by 9a.m. My daughter got her first dove and ended with 3. Not lots of doves by any stretch. I bet I drank 2 gallons of water. Felt hot, but really wasn't. I had a tough time shooting after my daughter had shot, but would not change a thing. I iced and took some meds and we stuck around to shoot her rifle and 22. Buddy gave me a pale of honey he just spun the day before and got to look at my calf that will be ready in April for butcher. I crawled out of the vehicle when I got home. My back was not liking the day activities. Daughter got dirty and helped clean all the birds. She got a lot of shooting in today.....:thumbsup:
Had 5 birds at 9:00, storms had screwed the birds up overnight. Drove around checking on other fields, finally found some birds. Ended with a 5 man limit, the rain made it for Taz, he was loving life.

Had 8 by 0900, with many more missed. If I had a recipe for mosquitoes, I really could have done some shooting. And, we saw no rattlers, so it was a fun morning.
Took kids to the McPherson Wetlands...

We headed north out of Wichita about 5:30am for the McPherson Wetlands and saw lots of lightning in the northern sky...right where we were heading!

We got to the youth/mentor field set aside by KDWPT just as things started clearing up. But there was water everywhere.

The storm must have moved the doves out as we only scratched down 4 in our party. KDWPT had said that there were 2,000 using the sunflower fields just to our west the previous week. But the shooting from that direction didn't sound like they were there either.

We headed north out of Wichita about 5:30am for the McPherson Wetlands and saw lots of lightning in the northern sky...right where we were heading!

We got to the youth/mentor field set aside by KDWPT just as things started clearing up. But there was water everywhere.

The storm must have moved the doves out as we only scratched down 4 in our party. KDWPT had said that there were 2,000 using the sunflower fields just to our west the previous week. But the shooting from that direction didn't sound like they were there either.


Way to go Mike:thumbsup: Hope the kids had fun:)

Kick'em Up!
That's a limit!
Missed the entire first week of dove season thanks to some good ole' Salmanella. Not much action from the hospital window:mad: Be weary of ole' Sal...she's capable of more than an upset tummy.

Now, are there any resident birds left at all? I went into the hospital in the summer I think, then emerged in the fall (today). I'm sure they're scattered!