Dove Hunting

KB come to Missouri. We are meeting in my drive way at six sharp. I will put you in the honey hole under the old dead elm tree. I will even put my Mojo's in front of you. Guessing you better be getting on the road now as I am ten hours from GCB. Lake of the Ozarks. Pm me for directions. Hope you Are feeling better. By the way the other high moisture corn is about to be jarred over here. Little cinnamon flavor tonight in the rain. Tasted good.
Missed the entire first week of dove season thanks to some good ole' Salmanella. Not much action from the hospital window:mad: Be weary of ole' Sal...she's capable of more than an upset tummy.

Now, are there any resident birds left at all? I went into the hospital in the summer I think, then emerged in the fall (today). I'm sure they're scattered!

so we can really feel bad for you, how'd ya get the stuff, under cooked dove?, great looking nurses or what!!. looking at the weather forecast, it ain't looking good, real worried from my end, yesterday I was ass deep in them but the cold is coming thru. good luck to ya anyway

not looking to good down here this am. Had to get up to make sure the boy got up, going to Ottawa to watch girl friend run. Looks like rain is set in for a while. Hope it quits by sun up.
Good luck



The most likely source was a cow pond we were gigging frogs in over the weekend. I'm sure I've taken in fair amount of the stuff over the years...we wade in it for frogs every year. Apparently some of it ended up in my mouth/gut this time around. It depleted all potassium and fluids in my body until all of my muscles were cramping, seemingly uncontrollably. A bit of blood in the commode and the ensuing incompetence of a few medical "professionals" and the rest is history:eek:

Good luck to everyone still hunting this weekend! I'll get the boy(s) out today and report back this evening.
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You know I couldn't resist....
Glad you are back in the saddle. Stay away from that pond before our hunt together in November:thumbsup:
Hey KB,
Aren't you supposed to clean and cook them frogs before you eat um:eek:

News to me:D

5 dove harvested yesterday evening without much effort. Neither of my boys are afraid to pull the every bird that is in range long enough is worthy of 3 reports. I will let this continue long enough to trend. What better justification for 3 new double-guns?;)
I can work up a spreadsheet showing the payback on limiting them to two shots versus three. Then to justify a 28 guage sxs I'd show the shot savings compared to a 12 guage to justify the reloader necessary for a 28 guage because store bought 28s are to spendy. This is how we do it at work. Only show bits and pieces at a time and never the full story until we get what we want. Unfortunately my wife sees right through it at home.
weather stuff

got some 30 deg. weather coming later in the week, that just might do it for the dove, right now in n.e. Colorado they are alive and well, seeing quite a few, shooting has been great.
