rabbit stuff
ran the dogs again this morning, saw a few dove but did see 9 cottontails, been using this same area for about 10 years and most of the time I see maybe 1 or 2 per year. this year I am seeing 4-6 every trip. also, in as much as we can't go pheasant hunting, gotta talk about something. I have a yard that I thought was fenced and just about mouse proof. well, now I have at the monment three really cute baby rabbits eating my grass, my two dogs seem oblivious too them, maybe baby rabbits don't smell, don't know, don't have a clue how they got there, been in the house for 10 years and they never did that before, but then again, that's what the farmer said when his horse dropped dead, never did that before. you guy's seeing lots of rabbits in your travels? they have been kinda scarce the past couple of years and now they come in bunches