Dove Hunting

Looks like a bumper crop of dove this season. been seeing quite a few here lately. If this certain milo field get cut in time, we might have a couple of good hunts.
Are you guys seeing any of those feathered jets around?
Looks like a bumper crop of dove this season. been seeing quite a few here lately. If this certain milo field get cut in time, we might have a couple of good hunts.
Are you guys seeing any of those feathered jets around?

maybe we can get a farmer on here but I think they cut milo like late oct thru sometimes jan. while is shoot quite a few, I would love to set up in a nice sunflower field sometime but never seem to have one handy

maybe we can get a farmer on here but I think they cut milo like late oct thru sometimes jan. while is shoot quite a few, I would love to set up in a nice sunflower field sometime but never seem to have one handy


There is no better dove hunt than over combined sunflowers.

Over here (SEK/ SWMO) milo is often combined prior to the September opener. Not always, but growing up cut milo is what we usually hunted over. Not much friend around anymore. Have seen more this year than years past though.
Heading to Sheridan County for an evening of dove shooting Sept. 1. It's a tradition in my huntin' schedule.
I enjoy dove hunting, but its just not to the extent that I like quail and pheasant hunting.

For me nothing quite equals knocking down a fast pheasant.
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ya got that right but ya gotta do something in the mean time, shoot doves


Gonna shoot hell out of 'em if I can on Sept. 1. Lots of fun.
lost em'

twice this past week ran the dogs out in farm country and have hardly seen a dove, mostly they have quit my feeder in the back yard. last week we had a couple of 65 deg. days and 2" of rain, hard to believe that had anything to do with it, besides, I think some of the last hatch may not even be able to fly yet. hope it doesn't mean much

I've seen the same thing around my place. I did see a dove still on its nest the other day though..

Yes the white wings are on the second brood and the Collard doves are on the third or forth Brood. The Game and fish Upped they limit to 15 per day With know more than 10 White wings per day. That means I will have 10 White wings and Five morming doves + as many collared doves as i can shoot.:thumbsup:
There is always young doves still in the nest come Sept. 1. We have had lots of rain , so they will be spread out until they concentrate on good feed fields to get ready to migrate or if it gets cold. I have had some great shoots in October during and right after a snow. I expect Kansas to have some good numbers. My brother will be in Marion County, so he will let me know out that way. Out West the sunflowers should be heavy in the ditches this year.
I just found a local honey hole here... I sure hope the warm weather stays at least through the first couple weeks of sept!!! I have never seen so many doves in one small stretch....dang hope we do not get an early cold snap here up in the high north!!!
rabbit stuff

ran the dogs again this morning, saw a few dove but did see 9 cottontails, been using this same area for about 10 years and most of the time I see maybe 1 or 2 per year. this year I am seeing 4-6 every trip. also, in as much as we can't go pheasant hunting, gotta talk about something. I have a yard that I thought was fenced and just about mouse proof. well, now I have at the monment three really cute baby rabbits eating my grass, my two dogs seem oblivious too them, maybe baby rabbits don't smell, don't know, don't have a clue how they got there, been in the house for 10 years and they never did that before, but then again, that's what the farmer said when his horse dropped dead, never did that before. you guy's seeing lots of rabbits in your travels? they have been kinda scarce the past couple of years and now they come in bunches

I do some rabbit hunting a few times a year, usually Feb once pheasant season closes. The past few years has been slim, but I too am seeing them every where this summer. Got some land that I run deer feeders on a I usually see 10-15 in the mile it takes to drive the dirt road on the property back to the feeder. I made the comment last time out that I've never seen so many rabbits in all my life. Not sure why the rabbit boom, but not complaining. Maybe the pheasants will do the same next year.
Rabbits are thick this year just east of Colorado Springs. Like you said, hope it is a good sign for future pheasant populations.
went on the annual dove scouting adult beverage consuming, road trip, last evening. Saw a lot of birds, just not grouped up yet.
Lots of corn being picked right now, hearing of yields of up to 180 bushel, that's pretty good for around here. We are thinking by the first, going to be a lot of food for the dovies to choose from. Did see a couple of places that will require another trip, just to see if the are still there. Still hot as hell in the SEK.
I fear my honey holes are clearing out due to cool wet weather for the past few days here....hope I am wrong but saw way less birds when working the dog this morning..I was jazzed for opening day was seeing hundreds of doves consistently at night.
where'd they go

probably at least around here they haven't really gone anywhere. some babies still can't fly. for much of Colorado and Kansas, the end of aug. early sept, marks the time the dove start to get restless and thinking about leaving regardless of the weather. nice weather will hold more of them longer but south they will go no matter. normally we have a good three weeks and sometimes it goes pretty well to mid oct.

Dove hunting is new to Iowa, so I don't know much about it. Those fellows that shoot them by the pail full, what happens to them ? Do you folks breast them out and make a meal of them ?

The snow geese hunters by and large discard the harvest, I guess I can see that.