They can open the spigot any time. It's scary to think about burning with the dry conditions and high fuel loads I have from the 37 inches of rain from last year. We're starting better, but it's been a pretty long stint since we had decent precipitation. Humidities dropping into the low 20's and teen isn't conducive to fire management. I'm already at least 3 years behind on my burning rotation and this isn't helping. 50 mph winds don't help either. I have burns prepared, am short of help, and only have 2 sprayers dewinterized. It's not the time to push anything. I'd rather not burn than scorch the neighbors property. Everyone take care out there and watch the weather. You need humidity over 35%, winds under 15 from 1 direction, and no low pressure or cold front within 24 hours. If you have the high winds or low humidities predicted before your fire is completely cold, DON"T BURN!