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  1. J


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    Training:Male or female?

    In your opinion and experience, which dog has been easier to train - male or female?
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    Lab Breeder - Dallas area

    My nephew's Lab recently passed away and he now seeks a breeder (Labs) in the Dallas area. Any suggestions or recommendations are welcome. Thanks!
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    Benelli M2 - Problem!

    Just bought a new M2 and was at the range trying it out...not good! Installed two shells: one in the chamber, one in the magazine. Chambered shell fired - shell cycled from the magazine to the chamber Tried to pull the trigger for the second shot, no trigger, seemed locked, like the safety...
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    Problem: Loading auto with gloves on

    Am looking for an over/under or side by side to use during winter hunts. Taking the glove off to load the good. I need the safety near/inside the trigger, not on top of the gun, due to arm disability issues. Assume all o.u and s/s guns have the safety on top of the receiver; can a...
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    SD Hunt license - problem!

    I'm having trouble purchasing a hunting license on the past it was easy, now it's impossible! Anyone else finding it confusing?
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    First hunt of the year...

    Max and I ventured west to a shooting preserve for an initial workout - sort of a test to see how he fares, at 12 years young. Weather was in the 50's, sunny, no wind and did hit low 60's before we were done. He did OK but faded with the heat; however,after a long drink, he was ready for...
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    Bumper Color

    Has anyone found bumper color makes a difference? I have a blaze orange bumper and normally the dog has no problems picking it up. Lately I noticed he would run by it - wondering if he's going blind? The dog is 12 and not showing blind tenancies. I did some research and found one trainer that...
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    Lots of hens - no roosters

    Just returned (Jan. 18) from a trip to SD and was disappointed in the lack of roosters. Three- day planned hunt ended up two day's, due to lack of birds. The first two day's we flushed two different flocks of hens - both in excess of 50 birds...not a rooster among them. Several other fields...
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    Training Differences?

    Question: Are female dogs easier to train or males? I've only had (5) males and may opt for female next time around. Please feel free to comment about your experiences.
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    Bare shelves

    Had an opportunity to visit the Cabala's store, Roger's, Mn.and found no shells. To compound matters, one of the clerks said Winchester had a recall on their shells...
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    Trip Report

    Just returned from our first SD trip - Jones County and Lyman County. Bird numbers appear to be about the same as last year. Hens were somewhat bunched, roosters were far between and required lots of walking; 6-7 miles a day. We were a party of four, with 1 lab at 11years and one Golden at...
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    Lead shells - completely out!

    Traveled to Cabala's in Roger's Mn. - needed 20ga 23/4' shells. None. They have no 16ga, a few 12 ga .no 28ga.. Wondereing if this is typical with other stores? Haven't tried Walmart...
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    Pheasant Canteen - 1943

    The Mobridge Tribune, October 7, published an article about feeding troops traveling by train via Aberdeen and points west. In 1945 the canteen cooked an estimated 9,000 pheasants; pheasant salad became a favorite part of the menu. Pheasant hunts were organized to keep the canteen supplied...
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    Grass Awn's - DEADLY for your dog

    My Golden had surgery yesterday for an infection in his ear canal. I'm posting this as an alert to all of you with dogs. If you google "grass awns" you can learn all about what they are and where they are found - South Dakota! These seeds can penetrate the dog and can become deadly. We have...
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    Need an opinion: strap game carrier or vest in the winter?

    This is sort of an odd question, but thought I would get some opinions. Due to a disability in my right arm, I have difficulty mounting the gun, especially when I have a few layers of clothing and a jacket and a vest. Oofda! Getting the stock up and in the right spot is a challenge...
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    Franchi Affinity 20 ga.

    A friend of mine has this gun and is having cycling issues, using 7/8, #8 loads for Sporting Clays. Three or four out of 25 are hung about half-way. Anyone have these issues? Gun is 1-2 years old.
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    SD Crop Report - July 28

    Some interesting numbers regarding the crop progress in South Dakota: Corn Silking - 27%...last year 90%...average 77% Dough - 2%...last yr. 31%...average 13%
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    Three-day pheasant hunt ...what a deal!

    "SD Magazine" has a brief spread about a pheasant hunt lodge; three-day, four night hunting deal. Single person rate only - $8,095. Five star meals might include ever-popular prime rib or pheasant and wild rice, while listening to harp music. The rate for six or more is only $6095 per person...
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    Rust Prevention for Guns

    This might be an interesting topic to discuss: What tactics and products do you use to prevent your guns from rusting? And where do you store your guns - gun safe? On the wall? In a closet? In a gun case? Your thoughts?