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  1. S


    You forget that commerceal hunting drives more and more people away from the sport. A guy used to get by on a handshake and a cold beer after the hunt. Now it's all this low bagger how much money can I get to exploit something that belongs to the people. And these outfitters do hire...
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    Yah, like when some mexican sells a ten year old boy to a crreep. As long as two parties benefit no one should give a **** what happens to anyone else.
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    2023/2024 Pheasant Hunting Videos

    I hope so. I getting excited for some phez hunting. Did Montana season open already or were you shooting flair nairs?
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    Lab guys sorry but....

    Heres what they mean by versatile. Them pointer owners are prolly versatile too
  5. S

    Lab guys sorry but....

    How many wild public land roodies did you put in the freezer last fall? I bet the flusher guys on hear got more.
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    Lab guys sorry but....

    My point still stands - if you want to put wild pubic land birds in the vest then there is no doubt labs are gonna get it done way more than a pointer. Heck I've even seen some of them bros with pointers walkin around looking at a goddam gps while hunting. How stupid is that. Don't even know...
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    Lab guys sorry but....

    Nah like I said before I'm all bout that clam. And I only kill wild roodawgs. No frustratoin here.
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    Lab guys sorry but....

    Bwahahaha. Sure bro. Jump on YouTube and you tell me which dogs are bringing home the bacon. Hell, most of the pointer guys I seen hunt with multiple dogs as one can't get it done. Look around this forum and you can easily see that the flusher guys are killin way more birds. But I got...
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    Lab guys sorry but....

    Like Golden Shower says wired tiddy pointers are perfect for guys that are fat, unathletic or not very good shots. Seems like the pointer guys love to always talk bout dogwork but if you check out the guys whose dogs are exciting to watch and load up the vest with public land roodies time and...
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    Why did you go with the breed that you did and have you been satisfied?

    HA! I once took a broad into the forest and she did have a kid (not mine, lol) so I guess Im also a milf forester.
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    Dumping mud

    I seen this and thought of you bunch of weirdos
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    28 guage

    Which load has 500 more pellts than a 28 gauge? Kinda hesitent to ask a 28 gauge guy about loads, ngl
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    28 guage

    Nah bro. We're both all about that bearded clam.
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    28 guage

    I suppose your right. You don't even have to aim with a 12 gauge. 🤡
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    28 guage

    And weaker if Im pickin up what bbb is puttin down. I guess if your old or not strong a little 28 guage might be nice for ya but I don't get these young dudes being obsessed with them. Other than the brokeback nature the 28s provide
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    28 guage

    My buddy always says that a 28 gauge is the perfect gun for guys with boyfriends. What happened to dudes just being dudes and carryin a 12?
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    2023/2024 Pheasant Hunting Videos

    I like them videos. I gotta say if I don't seen a roo after 4 hunts I am prolly gonna lay the woods to the first hen that pops up in front of me, lulz
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    Where to go in December?

    Exactly. I have heard people say the same thing about pin birds and disease like avean flu. And them deer will never be like a wild one even if it spent a hunderd days away from the barn
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    Where to go in December?

    Here ya go. Show up and pay money and shoot a trophy. No different than they guy that spends all fall chasin a big one with his bow and arrow right.