New profile posts

Are the boots still available? Might be interested if you come down a little on the price.
Yes, still available.

How about $115 shipped (lower 48)?
$100 shipped?
thank you for the intel about Norton and Decatur counties! good luck this coming season. mark
are you familiar with the east of Parkston area? it's my first time there. if you're hunting alone maybe we could meet up.
I'd love to but I've got eight guys in our group. Thank you anyway. We had a farm near Parkston several years back we hunted (closer to Tripp) and I don't remember any public areas. I do know there were not as many birds there as there was 20 miles west of Tripp. Good luck.
Dude youre from Iowa? Where abouts? I'm thinking of coming down there to hunt this fall. MN sux.
You get that whole brood count denstity thing way more then that other guy on there.
Near Des Moines. We got a few birds around. I usually hunt with my buddy he's got a lab. HMU sometime. Gavin Johnson on SnapChat.
Hey big guy, Denny Vandergriff here. I was wondering how birds doing the last couple blizzards? Seeing
a few around Carlos, MN to Fergus Falls area. Just worried some, I know they survive, but what a winter!!
Be safe, no rush on response.
Golden Hour
Golden Hour
Hey Dennis,

It's been a bit of a challenge to get an accurate guess as when the snow melts, it's a bit tougher to spot them. While there was some loss, probably a bit more than usual, I am confident that if we get a favorable nesting and brood rearing spring then we will have numbers similar to last fall. At least in the Watertown area where I am at. Good to hear from you.

beautiful dogs
I've raised Britts for 40 years so I'm very fond of the breed. Used to run 6, I'm down to my last 3.
The one in front is my youngest and I'm sure my last. His style came naturally and has the most prey drive I've ever seen. His Mom is out of Grand Junction Jake and Dad out of NLB.
Looking forward to November!!
Good luck to you.
Hey Jim. What better thing to do while looking out at this weeks snowstorm than to think about next season. Maybe starting out in SE Montana, crossing over into SW North Dakota then dropping down into SD to finish up. Thoughts?

On a totally unrelated subject, does your Nash have the folding bed into a couch option?

Powderhorn Jim
Powderhorn Jim
Hi Tom. Sorry, I'm horrible about checking my messages. We generally start in SW ND then head for the Missouri in SD.

No, our Nash has storage under the bed.
made an edit to my instructions for putting on OR gaiters. maybe it will help. sorry if it doesn't.
Reach out to KSBrittman, he lives and hunts Kansas, he might be able to give you some good intel. He is a great guy we have hunted Nebraska togehter.
Hi Drew. My name is also Drew. I live in Twin Falls. If you ever want to someone to go do some bird hunting with in the greater magic valley area let me know.
I just might take you up on that offer. Do you have some places in mind? Or up for a little exploring?
Didn't realize you messaged back. I'm up for exploring. I've been every weekend since chukar opened. Don't see anything most of the time but gotten a handful. Let me know if you want to go somewhere. I've been hitting the wmas and access yes ground.
Let me think about that. Have you every hunted around Glens Ferry or around Hagerman?
Hello: My name is Steve Mulherin. You were suggested as a good source. I lost my springer to cancer this summer. So, I'm looking for a new partner. I'm 71 and not interested in a puppy. I'd like to find a started dog male or female that will be a good meat hunter and an house, family member. I'd appreciate any leads. My phone number is 804 514 1393. Thanks
Az hunter
check out some of the springer rescue organization
Check Facebook hunting posts. working with a buddy in Oklahoma to find him a springer (started or young dog). I will say that you can check Craigslist as well, under community and all for sale, English springer rescue they don’t typically advertise hunting dogs. I have to springers currently with about 1/4 field spaniel in them. Good prey drive, not so much as to overwhelm when at home.
Sorry I never get these messages it seems. 320-219-2081
$94/night!! Ouch! I recall something in the range of$50 when we first started hunting that area.

I'm at the flea bag in Prescho...didn't ask the price. Only other alternative is Chamberlain.

i hunt Iowa and SD for the most part. usually just go solo with my 1 GWP. maybe we can meet up for a hunt or two, i don't like a crowd.

I live currently in Utah, but grew up in Eastern Oregon and have lived in Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and now Utah. I would travel across the country for really good quail and pheasant hunting and often do.
Where are you located? I am in the planning stages of a multi state hunt this fall and have a friend in Colby where I can hunt.