Dude youre from Iowa? Where abouts? I'm thinking of coming down there to hunt this fall. MN sux.
You get that whole brood count denstity thing way more then that other guy on there.
Hey big guy, Denny Vandergriff here. I was wondering how birds doing the last couple blizzards? Seeing
a few around Carlos, MN to Fergus Falls area. Just worried some, I know they survive, but what a winter!!
Be safe, no rush on response.
Hey Jim. What better thing to do while looking out at this weeks snowstorm than to think about next season. Maybe starting out in SE Montana, crossing over into SW North Dakota then dropping down into SD to finish up. Thoughts?
On a totally unrelated subject, does your Nash have the folding bed into a couch option?
Hi Drew. My name is also Drew. I live in Twin Falls. If you ever want to someone to go do some bird hunting with in the greater magic valley area let me know.
Hello: My name is Steve Mulherin. You were suggested as a good source. I lost my springer to cancer this summer. So, I'm looking for a new partner. I'm 71 and not interested in a puppy. I'd like to find a started dog male or female that will be a good meat hunter and an house, family member. I'd appreciate any leads. My phone number is 804 514 1393. Thanks
I live currently in Utah, but grew up in Eastern Oregon and have lived in Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and now Utah. I would travel across the country for really good quail and pheasant hunting and often do.
How about $115 shipped (lower 48)?