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  • Hello! Would you be willing to guide me on a chukar hunt next season - for $$ of course. I need fairly tame terrain because I'm in my 70s. I used to hunt them out of Elko years ago. Retired now, I am totally flexible about dates. No worries if this is not of interest to you. Keep the good posts and pics coming.
    I’m not a guide. If you want to go hunting sometime I might be up for that. I hunt in Utah and eastern Oregon a good bit. There are a few chukar spots in North West Utah that are about as easy of a chukar hunt as I’ve ever been on.
    Thank you! If I can make it out that way this fall I will be in touch.
    Hi Drew. My name is also Drew. I live in Twin Falls. If you ever want to someone to go do some bird hunting with in the greater magic valley area let me know.
    I just might take you up on that offer. Do you have some places in mind? Or up for a little exploring?
    Didn't realize you messaged back. I'm up for exploring. I've been every weekend since chukar opened. Don't see anything most of the time but gotten a handful. Let me know if you want to go somewhere. I've been hitting the wmas and access yes ground.
    Let me think about that. Have you every hunted around Glens Ferry or around Hagerman?
    I live currently in Utah, but grew up in Eastern Oregon and have lived in Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and now Utah. I would travel across the country for really good quail and pheasant hunting and often do.
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