Ultimate Pheasant Hunting Forums

Hey Cap, I am 130 miles straight west of Williams (a strong 2 hours), I am not familiar with the area. If they have waterways and any of those with buffer (filter) strips, there should be birds there. If that is the real "flat" ground, they might have the drainage ditches and all the fields are tiled and drained into those...that would not be the best for finding birds as there would be very little habitat there.
If they have any ground in CRP, that will be the jack-pot. Maybe if you can find an address or just use "Williams Iowa" for a Goggle search and see if you can find aerial map photos to see if you can tell from those if the local land is farmed "straight" from road to road. If you can see terraces and fields farmed on the contour, there will likely be some areas with habitat....and birds.
I adopted a Brit from a rescue foster home in the most NW county of OH. Know n e one there? Just curious. BTW your GSP in your avatar looks great.