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Go Governor! :thumbsup:

I know for fact from my relatives in Wyoming that the wolves have desimated the moose and elk populations in Yellowstone. Re-introducing wolves to that region of the country was one of the dumbest things the Feds have done. There were plenty of wolves in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Canada. It wasn't as if they were going to become extinct.

It seems a regulated season on wolves in the western states would be a smart thing to do to control the population. Similar to what South Dakota is doing with the Mountain Lions. We just need to get the idiots in Washington, DC out of the way.
I read an article about some group wanting to reintroduce these wolves to Californias Sierra Nevada mountain range,:mad: and our dfg is considering it.:eek: The area I deer hunt has like a 5% harvest success rate because of the 6000 tags they sell and no cougar management plan. Add wolves to this equation and your talking about ending deer hunting all together in my neck of the woods.:(
Gray Wolves keep the elk herds healthy by culling out the weak and the sick.
And 99% of the spring Elk calves.
Elk will soon be gone from the Yellowstone ecosystem.
Free to a good home. 2,500 gray wolves in MN take all ya want, no limit.:D there is enough in Canada.. thats really the only area that can sustain there appetite any more, just a simple fact. Or I guess we could all move south for the wolves I guess.;)
where im going hunting in manitoba this fall i can shoot 2 wolves on a deer tag FREE but i can only shoot 1 coyote. do they know something we dont know
Gray Wolves keep the elk herds healthy by culling out the weak and the sick.
And 99% of the spring Elk calves.
Elk will soon be gone from the Yellowstone ecosystem.

What a shame. Wolves are throwing off entire eco systems. I really wish the tree hungers would just get out of our way and let outdoors man/sportsmen/conservationists do what they do best. Conserve habitat and boost/manage wildlife populations. These crazies are making matters far worse.

We humans ARE apart of the whole equation here on planet earth. Part of that equation is man's pursuit of predatory animals (i.e. hunting and trapping them)
What a shame. Wolves are throwing off entire eco systems. I really wish the tree hungers would just get out of our way and let outdoors man/sportsmen/conservationists do what they do best. Conserve habitat and boost/manage wildlife populations. These crazies are making matters far worse.

We humans ARE apart of the whole equation here on planet earth. Part of that equation is man's pursuit of predatory animals (i.e. hunting and trapping them)

Did you mean tree hugger 1pheas4 bad bad bad:D their sweet kind gentle animal lovers got it Mr.:D Now it's back to saving the wolves what size of gun will work the best? I'm thinking the bigger the better:thumbsup: This is why the Fed's should get the hell out of the way. When was their going to be to many? I'm working on sending Paris Hilton to yellowstone to get her poddle killed by wolves:eek: We'll have every teenage girl on our side to kill them all;)
"Re-introducing wolves to that region of the country was one of the dumbest things the Feds have done."

That's right Zeb.
And not only that, they reintroduced the Canadian Gray Wolf. An entirely different animal altogether than the wolves we ALREADY had here. That's right! We already had wolves here BEFORE they decided to send us some compliments of Uncle Sam. These canadian wolves are huge. I even read something where a canadian game biologist just laughed and shook his head when he heard the US was going to use the canadian wolves for reintroduction efforts.

JS, you are so right. We already had wolves. Not just in yellowstone and the Tetons. In the 70's and 80's at seminoe reservoir, in the winter time, we would harvest, wolves on snowmobiles. Run them down on the ice.
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I can tell you hunters this. There have been several sightings of wolves out here in eastern Washington.They are mainly to the north in our prime deer and elk hunting areas. They migrated from the northern part of Idaho. That area of Idaho is narrow and is called the "panhandle". Not far for the wolves to travel from Montana. There are a lot of worried hunters here........Bob
Ken, I'm not sure I know how to do that. You or another mod can. I might goof them both up.........Bob
Did you mean tree hugger 1pheas4 bad bad bad:D their sweet kind gentle animal lovers got it Mr.:D girl on our side to kill them

Man! I've really got to work on my speach control:D Anyway below is a VERY GRAPHIC photo. It may be disturbing for a few. Wolves killed these dogs. Sweat, fluffy, kind, gentle, won't hurt people or our dogs, wolves.

Also, stories are coming out were wolves are luring dogs out of their yards by acting like they want to "play" with them. Once the dogs enter into the woods the pack is waiting and kill the dog/dogs. The photo below are hunting dogs that were either Mt. Lion or bear hunting.

the work of fluffy wolves http://thegreatwhitehunter.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/wolf-killed-hounds.jpg
Sorry, those dogs were Mt. Lion hunting not bear hunting. Should have known by the snow on the ground (bears hibernate:eek:) --1pheas4
This is what's happening, clearly it's going on already.
There is no balance with Wolves vs Pray.
The wolf population is boom and bust, With near 20,000 elk in the Yellow Stone ecosystem the introduced Canadian wolf [not the same species as the now extinct prairie wolf] population exploded.
The YS elk herd is now less then 4,000 with virtually no elk calf recruitment into the herd. And the age of the elk in the herd has gotten old and will soon be all but gone.
The wolves have continued to populate and have spread into new areas.
Hunting has changed in these areas. Game populations are now managed for the wolves and not hunters.
Hunters will be limited to bulls only then no permits at all.
Once the wolf pray is decimated the wolves will go more and more to other food sources, livestock mainly.Ranchers will simply not tolerate it.
Elk will be gone, wolves will create their own destruction.
History will repeat itself.
Give it just a few years, see if I'm wrong.:(
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