This is what's happening, clearly it's going on already.
There is no balance with Wolves vs Pray.
The wolf population is boom and bust, With near 20,000 elk in the Yellow Stone ecosystem the introduced Canadian wolf [not the same species as the now extinct prairie wolf] population exploded.
The YS elk herd is now less then 4,000 with virtually no elk calf recruitment into the herd. And the age of the elk in the herd has gotten old and will soon be all but gone.
The wolves have continued to populate and have spread into new areas.
Hunting has changed in these areas. Game populations are now managed for the wolves and not hunters.
Hunters will be limited to bulls only then no permits at all.
Once the wolf pray is decimated the wolves will go more and more to other food sources, livestock mainly.Ranchers will simply not tolerate it.
Elk will be gone, wolves will create their own destruction.
History will repeat itself.
Give it just a few years, see if I'm wrong.