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This is what's happening, clearly it's going on already.
There is no balance with Wolves vs Pray.
The wolf population is boom and bust, With near 20,000 elk in the Yellow Stone ecosystem the introduced Canadian wolf [not the same species as the now extinct prairie wolf] population exploded.
The YS elk herd is now less then 4,000 with virtually no elk calf recruitment into the herd. And the age of the elk in the herd has gotten old and will soon be all but gone.(

You mean to tell me wolves have knocked out 15,000 of the 20,000 Elk in Yellowstone:confused::eek: What a mess:mad:

mnmthunting you mentioned wolves expanding and going after pray besides elk, deer, moose, etc. A couple buddies of mine were in the UP of Michigan this past fall. Guys were telling them the wolves up there are pulling black bears from their dens (while hibernating) and killing them. --1pheas4
I believe it was Gray wolves from MN sent to YS:confused:, any way, now picture over 4,000 of the dam things in the northern 1/2 of MN, and no more deer. It is tough hunting up north. The Moose are dwindeling, as are deer. They are harming our little pop of Elk as well. And they have been causing trouble to cattelmen and dog owners allready. Time is long over due for change here.:mad: And no more transplants.............
There was an Article in the Spokane newspaper this morning, the wolves in Yellowstone have a disease. It is causing them to lose their hair. Which is giving them Scabies. Thankfully they are dying from it. I hope that disease takes them all. I also hope it don't go into the other animals......Bob
I believe it was Gray wolves from MN sent to YS:confused:, any way, now picture over 4,000 of the dam things in the northern 1/2 of MN, and no more deer. It is tough hunting up north. The Moose are dwindeling, as are deer. They are harming our little pop of Elk as well. And they have been causing trouble to cattelmen and dog owners allready. Time is long over due for change here.:mad: And no more transplants.............

So wolves are hurting the moose populations in MN.................FC that makes sense.

I worked with a guy at Tallgrass Restoration (the Tree H#@$r type) that told me moose #'s are dropping up there because global warming was damaging the tundra. Nice to know MN has tundra:D:D:D:D:
prey mis management

This is not about wolves but another example of the bleeding hearts stupidity. Mountain lions have been protected from hunting for some 30 plus years and our big horn sheep population has been in steady declining for? You guessed it 30 years. Dfg trapped a cougar in the "sheep range" in California to monitor his movements. In 12 months this one cougar killed 15 big horn sheep of witch some 6 or 7 were pregnant ewes. Needless to say this cougar had to be culled. Have they re opened a season on cougars yet? No! I guess more people, pets, and game must be malled before they open their eyes.
This is not about wolves but another example of the bleeding hearts stupidity. Mountain lions have been protected from hunting for some 30 plus years and our big horn sheep population has been in steady declining for? You guessed it 30 years. Dfg trapped a cougar in the "sheep range" in California to monitor his movements. In 12 months this one cougar killed 15 big horn sheep of witch some 6 or 7 were pregnant ewes. Needless to say this cougar had to be culled. Have they re opened a season on cougars yet? No! I guess more people, pets, and game must be malled before they open their eyes.

Come on Quail Hound:).....It's not the MT. Lion, it's people disturbing the habitat of the big horn sheep that's put #'s in decline (lol). --1pheas4
Found the video, interesting, real folks in the front line.


Why can't you shoot a wolf if it's attacking your livestock:confused:. Give me a break! What happened to common sense??? It's like everything everywhere is turned upside down. What was a yes is now a no. What was a no is now a yes.:confused: --1pheas4

P.S.--FC....congrats on MN having the most wolves in the lower 48:D
Ahh yes I am thinking of catching one and raising pups for reintroduction in my back yard. I could feed them my bird dogs. Then my birds, then my dog food, then the wife, then my self, then I guess they will have a good enough foot hold and start on the neighbors.:D
Ahh yes I am thinking of catching one and raising pups for reintroduction in my back yard. I could feed them my bird dogs. Then my birds, then my dog food, then the wife, then my self, then I guess they will have a good enough foot hold and start on the neighbors.:D

That's an idea FC. Here in IL. we're only seeing wolves here and there (for now). If you don't mind, catch me a wolf too. I'd like to spread the love down here.

Wife's taking a nap right now. I'll give here the news when she wakes. Boy, she's sure going to miss that little lap dog of hers!:D --1pheas4
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TR- You may be right about some of the banter going on, and being from Minn., I'm sure you are educated about your wolves.

Don't even pretend to know about our wolves, our elk herds, our mule deer, our moose, our displacement of mountain lions from favorite winter range, our ranchers, our outfitters, our sentiments, etc........ Thanks.

+1 but your beating a dead horse. We/ I in Wyoming will shoot them one sight. Meaning any Rancher with livestock. A dead wolf is a good wolf. Sorry TR. You are miss informed, at least about wyoming, Idaho, Montana, and other Rocky mountain states.
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I think all wolfs should live that way Bob Barker can quit saying please have your cats and dogs staded or nuddered:thumbsup: Them wolfies will clean up the pet population. Boy it's fun being on the side of good:)
So wolves are hurting the moose populations in MN.................FC that makes sense.

I worked with a guy at Tallgrass Restoration (the Tree H#@$r type) that told me moose #'s are dropping up there because global warming was damaging the tundra. Nice to know MN has tundra:D:D:D:D:

Moose are gone from many of their traditional areas in MN.
Studies are done only by the pro predator groups. Like all studies done about Wolves vs predators. These "tree hugger types" know they will get published if they connect their studies to global warming.
Wolf numbers have gone from 1200 to about 4,000, while moose have been sharply declining.

Your paying for this ongoing study by the DNR. You can google it.
In 2002 150 adult moose in MN were radio collared, 114 have died. 9 were confirmed wolf kills. About a dozen were killed by accidents. The rest by unknown causes. [carcasses and collars not found]

Wolves eat the carcass and the bones are scattered. Radio collars are damaged by the wolves during the killing/eating process.
So why is it so hard to figure out?:confused:
Damn man, that's hard to read........

Especially the lab story near the bottom there. I have such a heart for these dogs, and hated to read that.

Glad your dog made it out ok, but I can't believe she did.......

It happened to me

This is the story from the event. This was Aug 22nd of last year

Long story but Vick somehow let three dogs out together..that can't be let out together and they took off. Two came home and one was gone for 10 hours. We didn't even know she was with them for 7-8 hours later. Vick called me at my moms and said Mora was gone and that she must have got out with the other ones. Vick just happen to take a ride up the next road north and stopped at several people places and told them we were missing a all liver Shorthair. About a hour later one of them called from about 4-5 miles away. They said they could hear several dogs fighting.

Nolan and I headed over there because Vick wasn't here and we needed to go NOW. I had told Nolan I could hear a dog way off in that direction barking and fighting. We got there and we could hear a dog fighting it's ass off. We had two head lamps and the guy showed us a old winter road heading into a swamp. We took off and got about a half a mile in. clump head grass, downed tree's, grass as high as your head and mud up to your knee's.

The closer I got the more I knew it was Mora and she was fighting with wolves. I got within 300 yards of her and we were calling and whistling...but each time she must have turned to try and come they came at her and she would put up a hellofa fight. We just kept calling. She was getting closer, as the barking and fighting was louder. Then a wolf gave out a long moan...it got silent than. I thought SOB..he killed her.

We kept the calling up and I started in the brush off the winter road(which was no road what so ever) I stepped off and down I went in the mud and dead tree's. I worked my way in about 50 yards and kept calling, my head lamp kept going dead. I would turn it off and wait a Min. and turn it back on. Soon I could see her eyes coming through the tall grass. All the while we were doing this, Nolan says..did you bring your gun...of all the times. I'm always carrying my hand gun. Just not now. I said no, but I have my good razer knife. I'm not afraid of a wolf. I told him, if he comes after her. I'll cut the SOB from throat to his butt hole.

Soon Vickie joined us with new lights and we worked our way back to the land owners home. There is no roads between us and him and it's about 4-5 miles of solid woods and swamp.

It's a total miracle that he hadn't killed her. A neighbor down the road from our house said he could here them fighting for about 2 hours. So she had been fighting them off for some time. Tough old girl and lucky as all hell. It took a number of things to fall in to place for us to get a phone call, for us to even go look that far away, to head into that kind of swamp in the dark and for her to have survived fighting them off until we got close enough for the wolves to back off.

We thanked the folks for calling or she was a dead dog. She would have never made morning..heck midnight even IMO.

Pretty tough to listen to the snarling, growling and fighting and you can't get to her. I would have never got to her. I was waist deep in mud, grass over my head and brush thicker than one can imagine

Well, we can sleep a lot better tonight, knowing she's safe at home

She does have a couple of tooth marks in her backside and hind leg. She's going in for a booster shot Monday morning.

Thank you to the man upstairs



This is from Fishing Minnesota

Yesterday evening, my 16 yr old son was brush hogging some of our trails. He was out in our ~12 acre field when 2 timberwolves attacked and fatally wounded our best friend, our dog Cara. My son was about 150 yds from them when it happened and the wolves weren't bothered by his presence. He called up to the house on his cell phone and I immediately went out there to find the wolves standing over my Yellow Lab. I chased them off with the truck and came back to check on the dog and go tell my wife the sad news. She was on her way out to the field so I turned around and the wolves were already on there way back to my dog. Our dog suffered a terrible abdomen wound with her insides hanging out.We took her to the vet but she was missing a big piece of her stomach muscle. They were unable to perform surgery and had to be put to sleep. Our dog was just like one of our kids and it has been a very hard day for me, my wife and four kids.


Wolves believed to have killed this Canadian man


This Alaskan women was killed by pack of wolves'



Wolves attack my dogs or confront me..simple...their dead!!! The well known fraze in the northland is the 3 SSS's Shoot, Shovel & Shut up.
Global Warming, how rediculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No such thing.........
Tree hugger thing there...

It's not rocket science people, wolves are drastically depleting our deer, Elk, and moose populations............. Why the one guy wanted this deleted, I just don't know.... Wolves will stop at nothing until Hunters manage them properly and put them in their place....

So wolves are hurting the moose populations in MN.................FC that makes sense.

I worked with a guy at Tallgrass Restoration (the Tree H#@$r type) that told me moose #'s are dropping up there because global warming was damaging the tundra. Nice to know MN has tundra:D:D:D:D:
I'm mad:mad: We kind gentle sweet animal lovers are not tree huggers. We love nature and any thing that will destroy hunting of antlered animals. It's are right to be stupid and not want to control wolfies. We can buy the best lawyers with my daddies money and he don't care. He says I'll spend anything to shut me up:D Keep your stupid pets locked up if you don't want them killed it's that easy. God it's fun to be a sweet kind gentle animal lover:)
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I agree with ya Coot. I am an animal lover, but wolves are more like beasts that need to be controlled, and in a hurry. Now, why some of these people can't figure that out, is beyond me.

There is plenty of proof out there that wolves need to be taken control of. Government can't run anything right, I don't have much confidence in the current administration to do anything, that's for sure.
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