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On another note, differing views should be encouraged on forums such as this. I personally learn more from others that have differing views than i do from others that have the same viewpoint. Just a thought.

I LIKE THAT MENTALITY - although it is indeed a very rare one in this world, no matter what the subject!!! :10sign: :cheers:

There is a scripture in the good book that says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another"...When one surrounds himself with & listens only to those who totally agree, the process you speak of never gets a chance to take place & we are subsequently left with a shed full of awful dull tools! You make some valid points...
JSD, Have you read the Terms and Conditions of this forum? I not you had better. 3-K of said terms states "No Politics." The terms also state all members are free to express their views. No one is forcing anything on anybody. If someones views conflict with yours, so be it. It happens to all of us............Bob
VALID POINTS on this thread being made by EVERYONE (including onpoint, jsdriggs & all the rest)...I just wish we could all sometimes make them in a more gentlemanly manner! I would hate to see ANYONE removed by administrators simply for their point of view (political, religious, greenie, pro-wolf, anti-wolf, whatever)...and only after ample fair warning & multiple pleas for civility be4 being removed for not playing nice (which in my mind is the ONLY valid reason for ever removing someone from a public "forum" of any sort)! :( :mad:
It is interesting how we as sportsman can take on a mentality of The "3 S's", Shoot, shovel and shut up! I find it interesting that we can use as and example a guy running cats with dogs,as a rallying point for kill all the wolves. Or the the couple of incidents of joggers in Cali being killed by mt. lions, as kill all the lions. Or in my area a yote killing a couple of dogs. Sometimes you take on nature and nature wins. It does nothing for our constant battle against anti hunting groups to give them ammunition with this form of "jethro" mentality

Carptom, I think what your picking up on is a legitimate frustration between sportsman and Wolves:). What's being said/called for is control over wolf #'s. That is, to open up a legal wolf season. (though I personally don't believe we needed to release wolfs in the first place and for the life of me I can't figure out why they've done this:confused:)

In many areas wolves are decimating populations of game animals (also livestock) simply because wolf #'s are growing out of control. To much time and $ has been given by sportsman to help game birds and animals flourish. It's not easy to watch the work of mismanaged wolves destroy that. --1pheas4
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We need to understand that offten posts can seem angry or miss lead. I have often been rebutteled because someone thinks I am angry or what ever, even when your not. You can even use a smiley face to try and convey that you are not trying to be harsh lipped. Just remember these are words typed, and can come across with many different meanings, not necessarily the true intentions of the posters. It happens to all of us. I have put up smiles in several posts to try and convey my words the best I can:D. However there is nothing we can do about how someone from a world away precieves them. Except to back away or out. It is a simple fact and human nature I guess.

Now that wolf map is interesting. Kind of neat, it seems the travel he took always kept the wolf on high ground. Maybe taking advantage of a vantage point for his prey?.
I certainly understand peoples frustrations with federal and state game laws. But when we use reckless speech to voice our frustrations, it does nothing but help paint us as the ignorant neanderthals. We need not give any ammunition to our detractors. I wish the guy that killed the cougar would be prosecuted. He was not threatened, he killed it because he could. I understand the need to protect your life or your property, but killing an animal illegally is wrong. I for one will not break game laws, no matter how stupid i feel they are. Encouraging the eradication of any species is wrong. Wolves were here and exisisted with deer and elk long before we came along. We as humans have done more damage through over hunting and over fishing than any other species. So you control them through hunting or trapping I certainly have no problem with that, as long as it follows game laws.
All due respect, carptom. But do you see wolves in your area???? This thread is about wolves. I see plenty of mention about wanting management. I see also frustration you may not understand. How can you really. I also see the ammo used by antis. They do not convey themselves any greater. I see nothing wrong with people stating there true feelings, joking or not. I also believe if thats all the ground they stand on is a few words from a loner on a forum, they have little case. I have never seen this as used by them as ammo on any issue ever. Have you visited an anti hunting forum, and seen what they have to say???? I am for state legislature for management of the out of control wolf population in MN. Simple as that.
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All due respect, carptom. But do you see wolves in your area???? This thread is about wolves. I see plenty of mention about wanting management. I see also frustration you may not understand. How can you really. I also see the ammo used by antis. They do not convey themselves any greater. I see nothing wrong with people stating there true feelings, joking or not. I also believe if thats all the ground they stand on is a few words from a loner on a forum, they have little case. I have never seen this as used by them as ammo on any issue ever. Have you visited an anti hunting forum, and seen what they have to say???? I am for state legislature for management of the out of control wolf population in MN. Simple as that.

That FCS is well stated. +1 If you don't have them (wolves ) you can't see the problem. I don't want them killed off. Just want them managed. Can't have them around my livestock. NOt good for my bottum line. :)
I certainly do not take any offense from anyone's word's on a forum, and no there are no wolves in kansas. But i speak more to the attitude not the animal. We do have large carp though. But at present i don't think they pose a threat to anyone:D
LOL now I know what you mean, but I doubt anyone realy wants every nasty thing on earth eliminated. That may be true about carp, I don't know. Propper management would also bring in revenue to the state, just as deer hunting does. It is OK for one to hang a deer from the neck in the front yard, but now to even talk about other issues is the "DEVIL" as water boy's mom would say.:D It's simply not the case. It is realy not a big deal to any one but the people affected by the problem. Those that arent, maybe should respect the thoughts of those that are, I don't know.:confused: One thing I know is that they are affecting our state. If not this subject would not be popping up on every forum.;)
Man you should of used Al Gore instead of a politcail party:eek: no one cares if you pick on Gore:D It's A joke leave me alone:D Manage wolfies and everyone will be happy.
Alot of good pionts guys:thumbsup:
i really don't have a problem with anyone proposing a legal season on wolves. My problem lies in people breaking or proposing to break laws. I do respect others opinions on this issue, along with others, as long as they are legal. My lack of respect comes from people who act, or propose to act illegally. That has and will continue to give hunters a bad name. Believe as i have said, it is not specific to an animal but to the attitude. Anyway i am looking forward to fishing season. Going trout fishing in 3 weeks.......... Carp have to wait till spring. Peace out.
Nice post!

Check your PM's

It is interesting how we as sportsman can take on a mentality of The "3 S's", Shoot, shovel and shut up! I find it interesting that we can use as and example a guy running cats with dogs,as a rallying point for kill all the wolves. Or the the couple of incidents of joggers in Cali being killed by mt. lions, as kill all the lions. Or in my area a yote killing a couple of dogs. Sometimes you take on nature and nature wins. It does nothing for our constant battle against anti hunting groups to give them ammunition with this form of "jethro" mentality. A couple of months ago a cougar was treed and killed by a couple of hunters a little ne of my house. When he was on t.v. almost crying because he claims this cougar was a threat to his kids. So he killed it. I seriously doubt a few random cougars will do us much harm. Do I think that the population should be held in check, absolutely. But this "kill them all" mentality is exactly what gave these activists the traction in the first place. If you want to track the decimation of deer and elk herds in the united states, you might want to first look at the effect that us humans on those same areas. It can't always be blamed on the big bad wolf. On another note, differing views should be encouraged on forums such as this. I personally learn more from others that have differing views than i do from others that have the same viewpoint. Just a thought.
Had a guy call about a dog that lives by International falls. He told me about all the deer they used to see deer hunting. Now he sees nothing. And when they do get or see one it is big. He claims only the big ones are left around his area. He has a cabin on the far east end of Rainy Lake. He was snowmobiling and came around a bay by his cabin and over 20 wolves took off from basking in the sun.He said they went every which way. A few days later he saw the local warden, asked if he knew about all those wolves in the area? Warden told him yep, actually there is two big packs near your cabin. One has 28 wolves, and the other 17. So much for the small pack theory.:D I doubt he will ever see any deer as they used to with out management. It will be detrimental to our hunting industry if nothing is done in my humble opinion.
I don't know why there is even an argument here, I haven't seen anyone suggest going wolf hunting without a season, the 3 S's comment was brought up -I believe - as a response to a wolf threatening your dog, an even though I would never break a law pertaining to killing an endangered animal, I wouldn't hesitate to save a member of my family, which includes my dog.

I don't think everyones views here are that far apart, we just have emotion and text, if we all sat down over a :cheers: and talked, it seems pretty clear we would agree wolves are becoming a problem in the north and probably should be managed in some way.

nuff said
. One has 28 wolves, and the other 17. So much for the small pack theory.:D I doubt he will ever see any deer as they used to with out management. It will be detrimental to our hunting industry if nothing is done in my humble opinion.

Wolves drive, post, block, encircle just like we humans hunt in big groups. They're smart, efficient hunters. 100% kill 100% of the time....No. But in packs as large as you've described it's very difficult for their pray to escape.

28 wolves in a pack? What's going to feed them once the food supply is exhausted? So they expand into new territory. The pack expands and grows again. Then that food supply is exhausted. In time there's nothing left behind: And it goes on and on.:(

Something needs to be done;)
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