It is interesting how we as sportsman can take on a mentality of The "3 S's", Shoot, shovel and shut up! I find it interesting that we can use as and example a guy running cats with dogs,as a rallying point for kill all the wolves. Or the the couple of incidents of joggers in Cali being killed by mt. lions, as kill all the lions. Or in my area a yote killing a couple of dogs. Sometimes you take on nature and nature wins. It does nothing for our constant battle against anti hunting groups to give them ammunition with this form of "jethro" mentality. A couple of months ago a cougar was treed and killed by a couple of hunters a little ne of my house. When he was on t.v. almost crying because he claims this cougar was a threat to his kids. So he killed it. I seriously doubt a few random cougars will do us much harm. Do I think that the population should be held in check, absolutely. But this "kill them all" mentality is exactly what gave these activists the traction in the first place. If you want to track the decimation of deer and elk herds in the united states, you might want to first look at the effect that us humans on those same areas. It can't always be blamed on the big bad wolf. On another note, differing views should be encouraged on forums such as this. I personally learn more from others that have differing views than i do from others that have the same viewpoint. Just a thought.