prairie chickens require uninterrupted landscapes, Any structure over ten feet tall, if memory serves correctly disrupts the life the nesting cycle. A prairie chicken will not nest within a quarter mile, ( some think further), of any similar structure. PF membership or not, won't undo the damage. 10,000 regular PF members couldn't fix the damage from one ill placed wind turbine. Not a stretch at all. Pheasants by the way, are in decline in your state, and many others, so by your logic, we should build more hog confinements, encourage the plowing of CRP, burn wetlands, and mow all the ditches to ensure a hasty departure! It's obvious to me that you have no concern whatsoever for the Prairie Chicken or the habitat it relies on, Like the Buffalo, when we destroy the habitat we will have pathetic, vulnerable, zoo-like remnant populations like those in Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Those are greaters, the lessers are not that adaptable. Rule one should be as the hypocratic oath, " first do no harm".