Why was Bruce McLeland banned?

so if i were to pay for the priviledgs. i could post say my real estate business here or anything that wasnt hunting related business?

Well considering this is a hunting forum that might not be the best place to spend your advertising dollars.
I'm going to retire for the evening, between this post, the WD40 post, the dog travel visa post, and the ethanol post, the permission post..... I'm so confused, I think I'm going to drown my sorrows or go soak my head. I do know I'm now so paranoid the next time I'm out of state, and ask permission of a new farmer, I'll carry my dog papers, a can of WD40, have my "ethanol is the future" bumper sticker, carry a questionaire to asertain if the party I am addressing is the leasee or the owner, and last but not least use my "escort" as the front man, ( person?).
I'm going to retire for the evening, between this post, the WD40 post, the dog travel visa post, and the ethanol post, the permission post..... I'm so confused, I think I'm going to drown my sorrows or go soak my head. I do know I'm now so paranoid the next time I'm out of state, and ask permission of a new farmer, I'll carry my dog papers, a can of WD40, have my "ethanol is the future" bumper sticker, carry a questionaire to asertain if the party I am addressing is the leasee or the owner, and last but not least use my "escort" as the front man, ( person?).

:10sign:good night sir, LOL. good humor, believe it or not we have had those last types blending in a post more then once too.
My new escort service has started

Here is my first escort that is avaliable for a small fee

Moe, that's funny right there. Lol.
Maybe you could ask webguy why he deleted the post he started on the proposal to ban fenced big game preserve hunts in North Dakota?

I would but I'm still waiting for a reply to this question, even in a PM.

He either doesn't read the posts or feels unaccountable to us. Personally I find censorship more obscene than any 'words' I could post here. Saying he was banned for a link just doesn't wash, especially to a RE business thousands of miles away. You edit, send a PM and move on.

I mean, I don't even know the guy. I thought his post had merit. If there was something that I didn't see that would justify BANNING well the opportunity to set the record straight is fast fading away. Reminds me of the kid we all knew when we were growing up who always had the newest baseballs but we had to play by his rules and he was a lousy first baseman.
I would but I'm still waiting for a reply to this question, even in a PM.

He either doesn't read the posts or feels unaccountable to us. Personally I find censorship more obscene than any 'words' I could post here. Saying he was banned for a link just doesn't wash, especially to a RE business thousands of miles away. You edit, send a PM and move on.

I mean, I don't even know the guy. I thought his post had merit. If there was something that I didn't see that would justify BANNING well the opportunity to set the record straight is fast fading away. Reminds me of the kid we all knew when we were growing up who always had the newest baseballs but we had to play by his rules and he was a lousy first baseman.

I didn't ban him but I don't think his posts had any merit. Some folks are clever enough to write something that makes them appear to belong and then add a link that advertises something for personal gain. In this case the person posted in at least three places, with links to a business in all of them. I didn't ban him because I wanted to make sure he wasn't authorized to advertise on this site before taking that action. However his posts looked suspicious to me and someone else must have felt the same way because he eventually was banned.
I haven't been on the forum board tonight since the minnesota wild game is on. I will address these issues later. I'm posting this on my blackberry. I was not the one who banned anyone so get your facts straight before you point a finger.
Google "link building", its a business. People abuse it and others don't understand it.
I would but I'm still waiting for a reply to this question, even in a PM.

He either doesn't read the posts or feels unaccountable to us. Personally I find censorship more obscene than any 'words' I could post here. Saying he was banned for a link just doesn't wash, especially to a RE business thousands of miles away. You edit, send a PM and move on.

I mean, I don't even know the guy. I thought his post had merit. If there was something that I didn't see that would justify BANNING well the opportunity to set the record straight is fast fading away. Reminds me of the kid we all knew when we were growing up who always had the newest baseballs but we had to play by his rules and he was a lousy first baseman.

The reason is clear. He had links..... People will post such a thread and just try to blend in , that simple. If you ask them to stop, they just do it again. Most likely to return with another email address later for us to just do it again. It doesn't matter who did it, it needed to get done. And they did the right thing.
He posts an articulate letter objecting in part to resident hunter priority in South Dakota and this morning his posts are gone and he's banned. Inquiring minds want to know.

It's called link building. Link Building Defined: "If you run a forum, you've probably run into this problem before: users who register accounts and use them to make posts that promote their own products or services, dropping links like they're going out of style. That's called link spam, and it is sometimes used to raise a site in the SERPs. This article will tell you how to combat at least some of it."

Mr. McLeland may have a well thought out letter or response, his tactics are obvious to me and the moderators are getting educated on these tricks. Other forums simply are getting fed up with it as well. Link builders and forum spammers are starting to get smarter and craftier. Link Building and search engine marketing is a business. If you want additional reading, please ask and I will provide resources. That will clear up what people do.

I will say, we are going to make mistakes and that's a fact. We are trying to be right the majority of the time and sometimes it's just not feasible. If Bruce McLeland sent me a PM, a moderator a PM, we would reinstate. He just has to explain why he did what he did. It's completely obvious to me what his intentions were but I just want to hear it from him.

Good question c-dad, I saw nothing provocative about his post, just his opinion on what he saw.


I am new but, I think you should re-instate him. Censorship like this has killed many a good forum. Look at Pheasant Hunting forum, for example. It was once one of the busiest forums out there, now it is nothing. This forum cannot become "One Man's" instrument; If it does it will die out.

Censorship has killed forums yes. But if there is not some kind of control, it get's out of control. Please view pheasantcountry.com, read the front page message and that will tell the story. I started that website and it spiraled out of control when I quit the company. I'll respectfully disagree with your pheasant hunting forum comment. Here's why... I separated the regional material to compartmentalize posts relating to particular topics. Why should a South Dakota post about corn belong in the pheasant hunting forum or on the weather? To me it's common sense and yes there will be some overlap. Overlap is ok and yes, it's a bit of a judgment call. I want to make this a fun and open forum. That's our goal. I do appreciate the comments.

best post in awhile... not that we have had a huge issue with this by any means. But it seems as of recent the "Regulars" feel like their opinion means more than the guy that has just a few posts.

Noted. Thank you for the comment.

Another thread is gone entirely today. Started by webguy and some info that was critical of his stance was offered, and boom it's gone.

I was on the road today and on my Verizon Air Card with my laptop. I was annoyed, didn't feel like responding because instead of asking me my viewpoint, you assumed I was for high fence hunting. I removed the post instead. That the honest truth. Was it wrong, yes. This is a forum free of charge and I would like to keep the posting on the positive side. I think the high fence vote is something worth mentioning newswise but it can sway towards the negative because it's something that is like abortion. Everyone has a strong opinion one way or another. To me, it's different strokes for different folks. It's America, I believe in choices. Does that make me a control freak removing it? You could view at as that. I reinstated the thread, but I'm just warning people to watch name calling and be respectful. It's ok to do it in a respectful matter than just battering. I'm not saying that's what you did, it's a blanket statement on the forum because in the past those terms of service exist because of threads that got out of control.

tmrichardson... I like your posting, respectful, thought out and intelligent. I just didn't want it to get out of control.

Many a good men and women have died for something called free speech. If a post is calling someone bad names take it off. Whats wrong with having an opinion. I didn't see the post, but I'm sure it wasn't bad it's just one guys observation on a hot topic. Like the Wolf post we had awhile back. Nothing wrong with that.

Agreed. I didn't see the Wolf post. Please email me details if you would like.

Yea! what everybody else said. I read it and it was a thoughtful, honest, articulate, and polite observation about pheasant hunting in South Dakota. The person/people who removed it should be ashamed.

Read the Link Building comment and then repost a follow up comment.

Wproductive comments webguy's trying to run a business. You guys really should cut him some slack. He has it all laid out on the Terms, Conditions and Guidelines page. Just my $.02.

Appreciate the comment. I do run a business and this Ultimate Pheasant Hunting website is basically a hobby and I try and keep it as ad free, carefree and fun as possible for you the users. While I appreciate the positive, negative and opinion's, this thread is getting on my nerves. Please read the Terms and Conditions. Those were posted because of negative users, link builders, spammers and bad apples. Guys, it's not the easiest job in the world and I'm not perfect.

His post may have been all those things but I think he was banned because he also included a link in his posts to a business or service, which is not allowed. A primary source of income for most websites comes from advertising. Posting a link to a business or service in a post is usually an effort to advertise for free.

That is 100% correct.

I didn't find Bruce's post either combative, controversial, or offensive. Point of view is just what it is, opinion. I think anyone travelling many miles to hunt anywhere, on opening weekend no less, without specific plans as to where to hunt exactly, is probably going to be dissapointed. I would be happy to see him back. I think we are all big boys, and a divergent opinion once in a while, will not diminish us.

Link Building. Read top Reply.

It was a link to his realty business in Prescott AZ. I clicked on it and looked.

Absolutely unrelated link to pheasant hunting. Link Building

I never saw it so can't say. If it was a link to a realty co. then it was the thing to do. Just as escort services links are deleated. I may have agreed with the resident hunting thing, but thats beside the point. He will most likely return after being suspended and share again. Heck I think SD should make all the residents wait till I can hunt out there for a week first.LOL No one gets banned without a good reason, and link building or ads are one. It keeps spam off the site. unlike the old site.

Escort services, real estate, etc.... they are all trying to link build for popularity. Bottom line guys. It's a battle.

Like I said I didn't see the post. If he had his real estate business on there then Bye bye. I think just deleting the thread would of worked I thought it was kinda funny they would banned someone for their opinion. If that was the case all you guys would be gone and I'd be the only one left Wow UPH. all mine


Maybe you could ask webguy why he deleted the post he started on the proposal to ban fenced big game preserve hunts in North Dakota?

I addressed this above and feel free to PM directly, I can give you my email, work phone or cell phone and contact me directly. Again, I like your posting tmrichardson, just send me a message next time.

so if i were to pay for the priviledgs. i could post say my real estate business here or anything that wasnt hunting related business?

Relevancy. Most forum bords you see are completely whored out to banner ads. Do you see any here? If they are, do they have anything to do with Viagra, Cialis, Real Estate, etc?

I would but I'm still waiting for a reply to this question, even in a PM. He either doesn't read the posts or feels unaccountable to us. Personally I find censorship more obscene than any 'words' I could post here. Saying he was banned for a link just doesn't wash, especially to a RE business thousands of miles away. You edit, send a PM and move on.

I mean, I don't even know the guy. I thought his post had merit. If there was something that I didn't see that would justify BANNING well the opportunity to set the record straight is fast fading away. Reminds me of the kid we all knew when we were growing up who always had the newest baseballs but we had to play by his rules and he was a lousy first baseman.

Calisdad, do you think you are getting a little personal calling me unaccountable? During the day, I have employees for my Internet Marketing & Website company (this website is not included). My accountablity lies in making sure payroll and employees are taken care of. I was on the road today, had to get back to check on the employees and then went to watch the my Minnesota Wild get beat in a shoot-out tonight. Time is limited for me. For the 2nd comment, Link Building again. For the baseball comment, are we really enforcing the rules that much? I disagree. We are just trying to have a fun, laidback forum, that's all. I've met some of you at trade show's before. Heck, I'll be the first one to buy the beer. I'm not Hitler here, but we do have to have a little structure. I hope that addresses everyone comments.
And here is 1 example of the last guy that just registered as a link builder for lairdservices.com. This was blatant and not so disguised. View attachments...
Relevancy. Most forum bords you see are completely whored out to banner ads. Do you see any here? If they are, do they have anything to do with Viagra, Cialis, Real Estate, etc?

you didnt answer my question...

birdman652001 said:
so if i were to pay for the priviledges. i could post say my real estate business here or anything that wasnt hunting related business?

i said, if i was a PAID member here, and I owned say a Real Estate or anything else.. i STILL would be banned for putting a LINK in my sigature or a certain post, say i put in 300 of dollars per year id still be banned or link removed???
Appreciate the comment. I do run a business and this Ultimate Pheasant Hunting website is basically a hobby and I try and keep it as ad free, carefree and fun as possible for you the users. While I appreciate the positive, negative and opinion's, this thread is getting on my nerves. Please read the Terms and Conditions. Those were posted because of negative users, link builders, spammers and bad apples. Guys, it's not the easiest job in the world and I'm not perfect.
Webguy, if not for you, none of us would have this great resource available to us. I donâ??t presume to speak for anyone else but Iâ??m sure most of us appreciate what a great forum you run, the fact that youâ??re accessible to us and that youâ??re a fellow hunter. Keep up the good work Webguy!