Whats the worst pet job?

Whats the worst thing about having a pet? Is it letting it out to do it's chores or maybe giving it a bath? Well after today I know what mine is giving the hairy one a hair cut. Man is hairy hairy wish I had that kind of hair on my head:D I filled a dog food bag with her hair and I'm not done:eek: She's a good dog but I sure would like to find the dude that dropped it off at the farm. Shes so angry at hair cutting time and shes 13 years old and going strong. Maybe it's my hair cuts I got the LION theme going this year:thumbsup: Well guys enough of my hairy dogs bad job how about some of your least favorite things to do for your pet:)
Toe nails ... can't stand it; always worried I'm going to hurt them.
I'll go along with Jim, I always want them shorter but like Jim afraid I'm going to draw blood. Then when things happen like in 2005, I ripped up a leg and was bed bound for 2 months. Poor Tony those toe nails were in terrible shape..........Bob
apoligizing for clyde taking a dump on the neighbors yard. finally got the neighbor calmed down and clyde comes over to see what we were talking about stares at the guy and leaves a huge pile right by his feet.:eek: damn dog is giving me grey hair.
Well, Last Sunday morning I was pulling porcupine quills from my dog's face and mouth.:( I'll have to go with that. I get a little nervous sticking my hand in her mouth when she is scared and in pain.
Talking about haircuts. We had an Australian Shepard we would give a haircut to every summer. I would use sheep shears, much quicker, but not pretty. I'm no pro, and he was just a farm dog, so you can imagine how funny he looked. I'm just happy I could entertain the neighbors:)
Spring is the worst...when the labs go through their MOLT!!! Man when they start to shed their hair gets everywhere. I'm trying to make them sit, stand, sit all over the kitchen because when they sit they are wagging their tails and sweeping my floor.
I have to agree with Coot, haircut time is no fun. My dog likes to get a haircut, but my brothers dog fights the whole time.:mad:
I tried but man was it hard to keep up with a Gsp and lab they are laughing but not me! There is enough poo in the backyard to keep me busy until next spring! :eek:
Springtime poop cleanup is the worst. I started 2 weeks ago before the new snow. I hit about 1/4 of the yard and filled up 2 five gallon buckets.
Springtime poop cleanup is the worst. I started 2 weeks ago before the new snow. I hit about 1/4 of the yard and filled up 2 five gallon buckets.

Ouch! I turn my dog loose to run every morning and evening, and she usually waits to poo until then. I don't think she likes to poo in her own yard unless she has to.

I think the worst dog-related job (but also maybe the most rewarding) would be to work at a shelter. So many good dogs, but not enough homes for them all. I've honestly been considering volunteering at the Humane Society here (a no-kill shelter) because I'd like to help out. If I had enough room, I'd probably do rescue for sure. I guess I'm just a dog guy, regardless of whether it's a sporting dog or not.
You beat me Coot. Nothing tougher than having to put-down an old friend & partner. Now relative to healthy, robust pets . . . clipping the wings on my 50-year-old African Gray Parrot/High-Speed Wood Chipper cross can be immensely exciting. We both cuss before it's over.
You beat me Coot. Nothing tougher than having to put-down an old friend & partner. Now relative to healthy, robust pets . . . clipping the wings on my 50-year-old African Gray Parrot/High-Speed Wood Chipper cross can be immensely exciting. We both cuss before it's over.

Really 50 years old:eek: How'd you come across that?
Belonged to Grandma . . . swears like a deckhand. Evidently Gram dated pirates & wasn't as sweet & innocent as we thought . . .
Belonged to Grandma . . . swears like a deckhand. Evidently Gram dated pirates & wasn't as sweet & innocent as we thought . . .

That's too funny Koja. Maybe you should post a video for us.
That reminds me of the time my Grandmother was telling stories in the hospital late in life, mentioned mardi gras beads. We quickly changed the subject. There are things you just don't want to know about:eek:
There are things you just don't want to know about

Or . . . you think WTF. . . Dang, I wish we would have talked more ('course in Gram's case it would have likely been in a Croation tongue and all I ever remembered were the "bad" words . . . ). I will admit tho, at 5' nothin', Granny was a tough old bird . . . slaughtered hogs & chickens without a blink (likely knowing she had a skinny, scared Grandson at her beck & call). Love ya, Gram & "Thanks." Wish I could revisit those grand days . . . all the men carried well-used & familiar SxS doubles with stocks "full of character," shot paper hulls, the dogs were well-mannered & superb in the field, and the women cleaned the birds. What the heck happened?
They just don't make grandmas like they used to.
My wife's grandma lived in Arcadia FL. She remembers grandma crawling under the house with a miner lamp and a shotgun shooting vermin ('coons probably) in the crawl space.
She was a kind, yet tough ol' bird.