Turkey Hunting

as promised here is the picture the beard is 10 inches long and has 1 1/4 inch spurs a real nice 1 for the first if I do say so myself and thanks wilcat for the invite but i dont do conoes to small for my bigass to fit in and really dont want to be that close to the water i cant swim

Nice tom, GCB!
One less turkey I have to rid the world of. With all of us together I'm sure we can wipe them out if it takes the rest of our lives. Who's with me!
1 down 1 to go and the clock is tickin...

I got a jake to run a 1/4 mile to my strutter decoy on easter, but took him out anyway since it has been tough hunting. Had 6 good gobblers hang up at 80 yards on me 2 weeks ago. I tried to low crawl in on them but a coyote spooked them. That was fustrating!!!!! Heading back out to see if I can get a gobbler with my son after the storms pass this week. to be continued!
A buddy and I had a great turkey hunt this past weekend. We put out a hen decoy and a strutting tom. Had two hens come in to the decoys and boy they were pretty upset. Spoke back and forth with them for a while and then in came a nice tom. He hung up about 75 yards from us but he was putting on a show. Then out of nowhere 5 jakes (or maybe young toms) came running in the field and ran off the tom. Then they turned and ran to our decoys. A couple lead birds were strutting and I told my buddy to take them. He pulled the trigger and click, he forgot to put a shell in the chamber. At this time the birds start running away from us and I pulled the gun up from between my legs and shot one at about 40 yards. He wasn't the biggest bird, but he went about 17 pounds with a 5 inch beard. It was a great hunt!
Hail Mary Pass!

Not quite a hail mary pass, I guess, but the clock was definitely running out on the Spring season!

I took my 6yo daughter out last Friday, the 27th, and bagged a VERY nice bearded hen. We only shot one turkey last year and it was also a bearded hen. I don't know what the odds of that are, but it's got to be unusual at least! This one was sporting a beard over seven inches long, pushing 8. A much straighter and fuller beard than last year's hen, which had a beard that was half broken off in the middle, and sharply bent.

It was a lot of fun, almost exactly like our hunt together last year when my daughter was 5. She was asking me to shoot when the birds were 100 yards out, so the waiting was really torture for her. Once it got within 40 yards, I told her it was close enough now, but that you never shoot if the birds are still coming closer (waterfowl rule #1). When the bird got to 30 yards, I could tell my daughter was about to burst, so I took the shot. I will also say that she did some really nice calling for anybody, let alone a 6 year old girl. You know it's convincing when you can call an old hen over from 70 yards to 30, and she sure did exactly that. That ol' hen walked straight at us to see who her competition was.

Not sure what do to now...:eek: I did a tail fan/beard mount of last year's gal that turned out pretty nice even though the beard was weird and some of the tail feathers were damaged. This one has a pristine beard and tail, and I kind of want to do another mount. Of course, I've never seen a hen fan out its tail, but it does look nice on the wall...:rolleyes:

I'll try to attach a pic of the bird just before she got the knife. Sorry for the cell phone quality, but you get the idea.
Found a cell pic of last year's tailfan mount. Eastern red cedar, with the "hero shot" on front covered in some triple-thick high-gloss acrylic. Looks good in her purple/pink princess room.:eek: Daddy's little girl, what can I say???:D

It's probably tough to make out the photo on the front of the mount, but it's a pic of my daughter and I after the hunt when we got home. We were both so happy and proud after our first successful hunt together. I still get a little choked up when I look at that picture of us holding our first bird. ;)
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Congrats to get out with your daughter. Still remember the first turkey my son shot, it was better than when I got my first turkey :)

I didn't even get out this year between, work, son's baseball and some dog training.
Pics to come of a Marshall county monster taken Saturday morning. 10" beard, 1" 1/8 Spurs and 27 lbs. I got to get the wife to down load the photos so I can post them.
Here he is. Watched him come through the fog from about 50 yards out as he strutted and moved slowly towards me. He is by far my biggest Tom weight wise and the most fun hunt I have had. It was so foggy Saturday morning you couldn't see 100 yards infront of your face so to see him appear out of the fog and come on in was something I won't ever forget.

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Nice Job Rooster Tim.:10sign: Hopefully my daughter and I can get a gobbler like that some day.:thumbsup: