The best taste.

Dove, then quail, then pheasant. Duck and goose are good if done right.
Quail and chukar. Forgot dusky grouse.
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Sand hill crane, tastes the best, Goose cooked right, then Phz, turkey, quail and grouse, Hell they all taste great. Can you cook.:D

I love to shoot duck, but hated to eat them, Found a chinese cook, that told me to press the ducks. I love them.

You kill it you eat it.....
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Sandhill crane? Really, I would've never guessed. I'm not sure why California doesn't have a season on them, tons of them winter in the valley.

And I totally agree with the "you kill it you eat it" rule. My uncle shot a jack rabbit my dog jumped one time and I made him carry it all day and clean it. I cooked it for the dogs but he never shot another jack while out with me.
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i guess if i was hungry quail

If you don't mind me asking what exactly do you do with the birds you shoot if you don't like eating them? Why not just hunt with a camera so you can practice shoot and release.:D
Bobwhite quail. All else are number two or lower. But I do eat them all. The twos would be specklebelly goose, teal, sharptail grouse/prairie chicken, pheasants, (sorry). my kids and guests will stab you with fork for quail morsels.
I like both pheasant and quail.

I don't care for waterfowl much at all – no matter who cooks them or how they're cooked.
I'm with Quail Hound on this!

Dove, then quail, then pheasant. Duck and goose are good if done right.
__________________ computer is broken and I didn't see the option for "grouse."




Dusky grouse are great eating too, but haven't bagged one in years.
Pheasant, then quail, then grouse. Waterfowl doesn't even make the list....I have friends that try to give away ducks and geese and can't find takers. There's never a problem finding someone interested in taking an extra pheasant you might have.