Report The good, The Bad and The Ugly for this weekend

Do you shoot doubles on pheasant?

:laugh: What is a double on pheasants? :laugh: I'm happy if I shoot one a day. Two a day,,, well that's pie in the sky good. :D Two at once? I would probably pee a little.

About like asking if I drive a Ferrari. No, but I'm sure it would be wonderful. :laugh:
Opening weekend four guys 2 1/2 days brought home 21 roosters. 2 cripples got away. Can not blame the dog. He worked his Weiner in the dirt, just got out ran across green wheat field. Hell the truck got out ran by one of them. Bow has found three deer since Saturday people have crippled so I can't complain about him.
Bow is my sons 130 pound lab mix that the CO wants when people "can't find their deer in Missouri". Kansas deer hunters please site in your rifles before season. All three have been poor bullet and placement. Operator error.
Saw 5 antolope out there.
Location of hunt west of Fort Scott east of Denver.
Opening weekend four guys 2 1/2 days brought home 21 roosters. 2 cripples got away. Can not blame the dog. He worked his Weiner in the dirt, just got out ran across green wheat field. Hell the truck got out ran by one of them. Bow has found three deer since Saturday people have crippled so I can't complain about him.
Bow is my sons 130 pound lab mix that the CO wants when people "can't find their deer in Missouri". Kansas deer hunters please site in your rifles before season. All three have been poor bullet and placement. Operator error.
Saw 5 antolope out there.
Location of hunt west of Fort Scott east of Denver.
Headed out to Kansas tomorrow to hunt Friday and Saturday. Hope to have some pics to show.
Headed out to Kansas tomorrow to hunt Friday and Saturday. Hope to have some pics to show.

Well, it was better than I had hoped for, as far as quail go. Disappointed in the pheasant numbers though. Four of us busted 7 coveys, limiting out with 32 quail. Only saw 11 or 12 pheasants, 6 roosters, killing one and losing another. Also added 1 rabbit. It was still a great day to be hunting in Kansas.
People on here that complain about internet scouters overrunning certain areas are conspiracy theorists :rolleyes: 10,000 means nothing.....nothing:eek:

We need to start a clandestine misdirection campaign... have them all pulling up in a parking lot in Overland Park :D
The Good:
Went out to west Kansas Thurs & Fri. Hunted WIHA only. The good news is, there's birds. Not an over abundance but enough to keep the hounds and me interested.
Worked a field that a few years ago was a good producer. Not so the last two.
The Ugly:
Had a prevailing east wind and was starting on the east of the field. Roads T-Boned at the SE corner. So, I figured, work the north half of the field going west and bunch them into the SE corner coming back. Great plan! Get to the SE corner both dogs go on point, I'm about 75 yrds behind. As I'm picking up my pace, a combine doing about 25-30 mph comes down the road from behind me and as it passes the dogs 5 birds flush. 3 hens & 2 roosters.
I'm still shaking my fist at that combine.
The Bad:
Two wrecks on I70 added 1 1/2 hrs to the drive home.

I'll be back!

Meant to be "tongue in cheek"
Was glad to be out there and seeing birds.
Seeing them meant more than getting them.
Lighten up.
Went out this morning with my SIL and his pup Mia. It was Mia's 2nd hunt and the first time she was the only dog on the ground. (my Indy is on the IR for another week)

We found 3 coveys. The first two were bumped. But to be honest they were pretty spooky for quail. But she pointed a single which we shot for her, and then she pointed 3rd covey. It was a solid point, and we shot one on the rise.

She is coming along, and next weekend we will be putting the bird hog on the ground as well.
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Took my dad out this morning for a few hours. We found a covey of quail and spent a half hour hunting singles. Shot two and knocked down a third that took 20 minutes to find. Molly went to where it hit the ground, worked a circle and wanted to hunt. We kept at finding the down bird, and after a long while, she showed a little interest in some thick grass, but then kept going. I walked through the thick stuff and the runner came out. Molly brought it to me.

We then went to a place that I hate to walk, but love to hunt. 30 yards into the stretch, birds started flushing at the edge on the other side of my dad. He counted 13, but could not tell rooster from hen (his eyesight is pretty weak at times) so no shots taken. Molly hit a scent and started trailing. The wind was coming from the south, we were hunting west. As she trailed, I hustled to keep up. I guess we bypassed a hen which got up between my feet, just as Molly goes on point. Just as I get composed again, Molly's bird busts. One rooster in the vest. We continue to walk the strip getting a few empty points. At the end, she goes on point again, moves, points, moves, points, circles and points again. This last one produces the 2nd and last rooster of the day.

I felt pretty excited when we left the house this morning, the ground was wet and I figured scenting conditions would be great. Got out to the area and the ground was bone dry. My boots never showed any moisture at all. I guess for the conditions, we did pretty good.


Good--the coveys round here are big this year. There still aren't many, but the coveys we've seen are big:thumbsup:

Bad--them damn quails went to the neighbor's place after the flush;)

Ugly--my friend that owns the place was packing his things to move to MO. The place is expected to change hands the 2nd week of December:(
Birds up?

Are birds up maybe. Will they get back to what they once were. No! Why? Things change. Farming practices change. Habitat loss. Anyway me and my father went out today. It was windy cold misty and foggy. Was that bad? Nope it was pretty help full. One scenting conditions were great. Two birds didn't want to fly maybe they haven't been shot at hunting pressure isn't there. Anyway we ended up with 2 roosters. One shot in the field the other off the road. Which by the way we seen more on the road the we did in the CRP. My dog got his first wild rooster point. I was so happy. Mr and my dad connected on that rooster. All in all it was a good day. Are birds up? Yes but only by a very small margin.