Report The good, The Bad and The Ugly for this weekend

That's pretty awful.:eek: Just when I am 100% sure I will get a Jeep or similar SUV when I trade off my truck, somebody posts a story like this... Reminds me that having a truck can be handy sometimes. Sorry about your misfortune. Hopefully you got your season's bad luck out of the way.

Yeah, score one for the truck.

And, yes, I Googled and found the cocktail mentioned. Worked pretty well I guess. First time experience for me.
That cocktail is pretty much what's in many of the "scent away" sprays used for deer hunting.

I had one get sprayed one time and it was bad. I decided to stay in the field. She pointed a covey a short time later. I was still amazed she could smell anything.
Yea that got me banned from hunting in my wife's Blazer:eek:. Unfortunately the last time was in Pierre SD. Pretty darn cold going down the highway with the windows down. There is a dog wash in Mitchell that helped quite a bit. I felt bad for my younger son in the back seat. We would drive awhile with the windows up to get warm, then roll them down when our eyes started burning too bad. Fun times:thumbsup:
We had a pretty good opening day. Was pleasantly surprised. Ranger dog was content in his box after a full day of work. We were on all private ground in area that KDWPT and the KC Star said had the best numbers (vague enough?). Most of the birds were young and we got into 5 covies of quail.

We had a pretty good opening day. Was pleasantly surprised. Ranger dog was content in his box after a full day of work. We were on all private ground in area that KDWPT and the KC Star said had the best numbers (vague enough?). Most of the birds were young and we got into 5 covies of quail.

Dang, those are some big quail on the ground. :D
We got out opening weekend. Got some young dogs on some of their first wild birds, which was a good thing. Shot some birds for them, they did a very nice job. All in all, very successful.



Second bird ever.
Nevermind the fat finger.

My old dog.

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Those are some awesome pics. Reminds me of a framed print you'd see for sale at Cabelas or Bass Pro.
2 hunters, one lab, private ground in NW Kansas. We hunted all day on Saturday and each bagged a rooster....saw a fair number of birds. Hunted a different area 1/2 day on Sunday due to the heat...between us we bagged 6 roosters on Sunday....3 each.. for a weekend total of 8. All in all a good hunt....bird numbers have improved in the area we hunt. Gained written permission to hunt several farms for the rest of the season....heading back out soon for a few more days....after I get the heater in my camper repaired.
Instead of using up gas $ on a warm day, I think I'll call it a short weekend and wait to read everyone's reports from W KS:cheers:

Don't go too far west KB...I hunted a little & burned up a lotta gas & miles scouting on Sun about as far nw in KS as you can go without hitting CO or NE. Wasn't impressed at all. Some areas looked like a desert or moonscape. Lots of short (& I do mean SHORT) wheat stubble & green wheat, very little corn, way too much "clean-farming" every square inch, ditches ALL mowed & the worst, most bird-unfriendly irrigation circle corners I have ever seen. There were some very large CRP grasslands (but most of them nowhere near any favorable/complimentary crops) & a few nice freshly-cut milo fields (w/o much in the way of other winter cover nearby). Saw a handful of birds & got one shot (better than practically nothing on Sat around Burlington, CO), but nothing to write home about or cross the CO border again for anytime soon. Hey, at least I found a place where I didn't see ANY other hunters on opening wknd! :p :cheers:
Speaking of "the ugly", I was quizzing a few guys about their opening weekends, hoping to get some intel about what I might expect to find this season. I was really disappointed to hear multiple guys say, "we shot a bunch but couldn't find them." I guess they were hunting in a "no dogs allowed" type drive, or they just didn't happen to have any dogs, and if they didn't find the bird right away the march continued. Gross.:mad:

One guy even said to me, "we should have had you and your dog there to help us find the birds." YA THINK??? :eek: How about anyone with ANY dog, at least running the fields afterward if the guys setting it up think a dog would ruin their precious straight lines...

The thought of losing a single bird makes me sick. I can't imagine losing a bunch and just saying "F* it, let's keep walking and shooting more." Ridiculous.

Sorry for the rant. This has been gnawing at me. I had to get it off my chest to someone who would understand my frustration.

I got the exact same story from a guy here at work that hunts one of the same pieces of public ground I do. They had one lab that goes out once per year that was doing the work for 8 guys. He said they literally lost more birds than they found:mad:

I got the exact same story from a guy here at work that hunts one of the same pieces of public ground I do. They had one lab that goes out once per year that was doing the work for 8 guys. He said they literally lost more birds than they found:mad:

"lost more than we found" was the story from two of the guys I talked to, and they weren't hunting together, unfortunately... And I know they were both hunting private land, so they weren't hunting with your coworker either.

I'm going to work on one of them and see if I can get an invite to run the field after the drive is over next year. I may not have the best 2 dogs around, but they have this uncanny way of finding birds with their noses. I haven't met a man yet who could find dead birds better than either of my dogs. :laugh:

And honestly, even the fat lab that only gets out once a year would find the bird if he was given enough time. My departed golden, Rusty, was absolutely no brag-dog when it came to hunting, but if I marked the fall decently and took him to the spot and waited long enough he would find the bird.
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