Report The good, The Bad and The Ugly for this weekend

I would consider today a success

We brought home this many:

We left a few in the field though. We had a hard time finding downed birds in the dry dusty conditions. One escaped the dogs grasp and ran into a 12" culvert under the road. 😞
2 old farts and 3 young labs bagged 4 roosters and 1 quail in Seward Co. Dogs flushed a total of 12 pheasants.
Wish I could have been out there. We're heading to Kansas Thursday and hope the cool weather will make for some fine hunting. Just getting out will be rewarding enough.
Wish I could have been out there. We're heading to Kansas Thursday and hope the cool weather will make for some fine hunting. Just getting out will be rewarding enough.

Looks like you may be arriving to some great, early season weather.

Wabaunsee county is a dead-zone for birds. The covey we saw yesterday was very near our county's border. This must be where KDWPT refers to as "the core" area of the Flint Hills, where their forecast indicated quail numbers would be poor, due to annual burning, overgrazing, cedar invasion, etc. We hunted a couple great little spots this morning and didn't see a feather. We've hunted this county several days out of each season for 5 years and we only notice fluctuations in covey size, but never numbers of coveys.

Instead of using up gas $ on a warm day, I think I'll call it a short weekend and wait to read everyone's reports from W KS:cheers:
I usually try to take some field pictures, but didn't get it done this year.

Here was after first field. Should have had at least one more.

Dad and me after noon field.

Katy didn't want to move much this morning.
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Didn't get out to hunt yesterday. We were driving back from picking up our new "Quail Detection System"


He is clearly a smart boy, kissing up on Mom.


I am going to take Indy out for a short hunt. See if we can't fine a quick covey.
Hunted SE Kansas the past 2 days. Just finished up and got the birds on ice. moved some nice size coveys and had some great dog work. Conditions were awful for the dogs, too hot and dry but we still got it done. 2 hunters 4 shorthairs 23 birds harvested (about the same as last years opener). I wore a GoPro Camera all weekend and got some pretty good footage yesterday. trying to figure out how to upload some clips?

Saw a lot of other hunters for SE Kansas though. More than average I guess but a lot of guys from out of state (Alabama, couple Tennessee, and Kentucky).
Hunted my families farm in smith county ended with 12 roosters and 2 quail brought some guys from Arkansas should of had more..bird numbers still way down but better than last year
Is there an option below ugly?

Twice as many birds seen as last year, but that's not saying much. Our large group shot 6 birds on Saturday, double the 3 of last year. All private land in NW. Did find a few during a few stops on way back east today.
I don't think I would have gone out today had I not seen you guys reports. Everybody did really well. Pretty amazing turn around.

I ended up seeing 5 roosters 11 hens and a large covey of quail.

Didn't hunt upland but I figured I would post. Hunted Tuttle for ducks Sat/Sun and saw the first roosters I've seen in 2 years. Saw 4 roosters total just sitting in the duck blind. Pretty promising considering I didn't see a single one last year or here a single one crow. I will say though the birds were in some thick stuff.
That's a nice picture BDC2:thumbsup:. Nice to see some good reports for a change. May even make me get out some later in the year. I have not hunted opening weekend in some time. Had some buddies go out west with very little success. I took the neighbor kid and his little pointer up to my uncles by Mclouth and let him bang away at the two resident coveys he has. Both pretty healthy this year. He managed 4 birds in a couple hrs. Didn't see any other hunters up that way.
5 hunters , 2 hens &1 pointed at WIHA , shot and killed a Eurasian dove on a " fly over " at WIHA . Private ground produced 3 roosters , 2 pointed and killed . Great time , good covey very dry thou !
That's a nice picture BDC2:thumbsup:. Nice to see some good reports for a change. May even make me get out some later in the year. I have not hunted opening weekend in some time. Had some buddies go out west with very little success. I took the neighbor kid and his little pointer up to my uncles by Mclouth and let him bang away at the two resident coveys he has. Both pretty healthy this year. He managed 4 birds in a couple hrs. Didn't see any other hunters up that way.

Yeh its good to see birds this early in the year. Last year I hunted the same fields mid week following the opener and saw maybe three. 2010 was the last planned opener I've been on.
Its good you got the neighbor kid out. A few years ago I tried to get one of mine out for the youth opener. It was back when at had been two for the adult and two for the kid.I think it was in the first years when it had gone back to youth only. His dad was going to go along..anyway when he found out he wasn't going to be able shoot anything he shut it down. Flippin knob, last invite he ever got.:mad:
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Nice pics of birds, dogs and hunters. Congratulations to all.

I didn't hunt this weekend, as way to much work to get done before the cold spell that is coming. I saw two small hunting groups Saturday morning and that was it for hunters.
Bagged three nice roosters Saturday morning with Bilbo II. We drove all night to get to Kansas and started late. Then, Bilbo II hurt his foot around 9:30 and was done walking. Unfortunately, I injured my right leg and couldn't walk either so we went swimming before 11:00 and called it a day. Both of us were still down today so we drove back to Texas, just got back.

Only heard around six other shots fired Saturday in the area we hunted. Normally, you would think WWIII just started. We had a good time and will be back after healing up our injuries.