For what's it's worth, Op . . . I own LOTS of guns. I'm tired of the laws & rights ensured by our Constitution & Bill of rights being changed by those in power, via the influence of zealots, big business, special-interest groups, lobbyists, et al, ad infinitum compromised, and downright denied. I've also had my fill of "political-correctness." This is the USA . . . not Hollywood, the Middle East, Mexico, or any other place/country. The people who choose to live here are AMERICANS . . . not an "American" not preceded by some qualifying adjective referencing where they or their ancestors ultimately originated. And as Americans, ALL should be loyal to this country FIRST & be supportive of this Country & our Flag FIRST!
I'm neither a Tea-Partier nor a lib, no longer Republican nor Democrat. I'll never vote for another incumbent until such time that he/she PROVES that they represent THE PEOPLE and are deserving of another term. You & I are BOTH guilty of driving the wedge, and for that I plead guilty; you may plead as your conscience sees fit. That being said, I will continue to endorse & if necessary, fight for the Rights that our Forefathers granted. As for Phil Robertson being wealthy . . . he worked for it & earned it; chastise him for that if you will, but the next time you judgmental types look in the mirror, recognize what YOU have & realize that you WORKED for it, just like Phil. Have I sinned? Yes. Have I repented and improved on that? Yes. Only Phil & the Lord know if he truly lives by The Book; you don't, I don't, no one does. I for one, believe he does; I also know that I do. I'll leave the final judgment up to the Creator . . . my opinion, my belief, and my RIGHT to do so. I bid you well.