Pheasants Forever


Active member
If you're a forum member, if at all possible, you should be a Pheasants Forever member. The chapters across the country do a lot to help our pheasant hunting heritage. I have been a member for a couple of decades but until this past year I just sent in my money and maybe attended an annual banquet. Having some more time on my hands this past year, I decided to get more involved and have been attending chapter meetings, working with the banquet committee, and I served as a field safety officer at chapter sponsored youth hunt in December. Not having any kids of my own, it was personally rewarding helping these kids-boys and girls-get involved in the hunting sport. I'll be helping with the fall hunt in March, too.

So please help support PF if you can spare the money--and get involved if you can spare the time.

Not a member of PF but I am a member of QF and QUWF. I figure for the small amount is cost to be a member its well worth it. And like you, I dont have kids of my own so this can give me a chance to maybe work with other young kids and pass on traditions.
I, too jumped to magnum this year.
Life Member here, Smoky Valley Chapter, Hoxie, KS.

If you can swing it, consider the permanent memberships like Life, memorial donations in honor of a friend or dog who made your life better, and land donations to ensure hunting and conservation in the future.
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I've been a member for about 25 years and was a sponsor member for maybe 10 of them. Probably should have done the life membership a long time ago but this way they get more money out of me! :)
Ask your chapters to stop the use of Canada Rye and Virginya Rye in thier seed mixes. The Ask your USDA office after that.

One of the great examples of organizational dis-connect.This should have been eliminated before it got started. Just as an aside, it might be wise to get some seperation between PF and QF, since there is a tendency to join one, and call it good. Quail management and pheasant management are not always the same. Economies of staffing not withstanding, It might also help to have a QF headquarters with a seperate web sight, somewhere within a few hundred miles of where you might actually find a wild quail.;) Closer to the battleground so to speak. On a positive note PF and QF both recieved higher ratings among the charitable rating services for 2011. And much better than DU. :cheers:
It might also help to have a QF headquarters with a seperate web sight, somewhere within a few hundred miles of where you might actually find a wild quail.;) Closer to the battleground so to speak. On a positive note PF and QF both recieved higher ratings among the charitable rating services for 2011. And much better than DU. :cheers:

Having a QF headquarters may take some time. As of a year or two ago, PF Nat'l finally owns it's headquarters building. Up until then they were leasing.

Nat'l has to bring $ in from other means besides chapter/banquet $. They don't get any of the $ raised by chapters (besides a membership sign up). Chapter $ is our $. We decide where it's best suited.

PF and QF are very lean companies. Their model is unlike others.
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Ask your chapters to stop the use of Canada Rye and Virginya Rye in thier seed mixes. The Ask your USDA office after that.

Wow! I was under the impression that this issue was taken care of two years ago.

I'll contact my PF rep tomorrow to see what the heck is going on. They've known about this for some time now. I'm hoping they've resolved it!
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Whats the deal with Canadian and Virginia rye, toxic, invasive?

Not toxic, but can be deadly to dogs through causing infections through inhaling seeds.

This was a big deal within PF chapter and government conservation agencies a few years back. I thought it was 100% dealt with. By the sounds of it, it may not have been.

I'll post what I find out as soon as I contact a PF rep.
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After that if you get them to stop, call your local NRCS. SWCD. Or face running out of places to hunt that are safe for your dogs. Even If PF stops or has in some areas, these other agencys have not. If you own land, demand it to be left out and the drills cleaned if your planting. Private CO's have not stopped yet either.
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FC, I've left message with my seed supplier to discuss this issue. I hope to hear back from her tomorrow to discuss this. I'll let you know what is said.

It seems as if this is a state by state issue. Each state has it's own seed mixes. As for IL PF, it looks like we still have one mix with Canadian Rye.:confused::confused:

When this bad/dog news came out a few years ago I was under the impression that it was completely removed from our seed mixes simply because no one wanted our dogs to die! Plus I haven't seen that stuff in uses since 2009.:confused:

I'm going to meet up my IDNR habitat rep next week to discuss habitat issues. I'll bring this Rye issue up too. I'm curious if it's still being used on any IDNR sites.

I suppose being in Illinois it won't be too much of an issue seeing we can't pheasant hunt most state sites anyway.:mad: