XD .45 for me. Fancying a Walther P99 if I can find one and have the money. I have too many hobbies that cost money!
Have you guys ever had trouble traveling?
Yes. Was way out in the sticks of N. Nevada fishing with a pretty woman. Three drunk stangers, two of whom were evil including one with a nine-shot .22 revolver, decided they wanted to "party" with her and I was in the way. My Colt Anaconda proved very effective as the Great Dissuader. Whew, glad I had it. Otherwise I would probably not be around today. Why do I go armed? Because some home invaders got the drop on me in '73 and put one in me.
Remind me not to play poker with you...not because of your Colt, but because of the patience you displayed in saving this story till now![]()
I'm glad you made it through to be with us today!
There are several brands of hand cannons out that will do the job just fine. Smith and wesson, springfield, glock, and ruger. But Imho They don't handle like a Kimber custom shop. I guess it all come down to what you shoot well. KImber in my book is the best. I have shot all brands I mentioned and owned a few of them. Colt is a second. Just my opinion. :thumbsup:
My Wife and I are planning to tour the Sun Belt starting next Dec.
I'll probably have a 12 gauge or two.
What would you guys recommend, something my Wife could protect me with.
I have a story about a close call.
I was alone hunting the high country in SW WY. (Wind River Range) I was on the right side of the mountain and got out during the worst blizzard imaginable. Went into Riverton found a Motel that had a vacancy. As I was bringing my gear into the motel I noticed these guys watching me closely. No question they were planning to rob me.
I had Ruff Ruff with me. (duh) Ruff in His prime 90 plus pounds solid muscle black Lab. Loved people and always friendly, he DID NOT! like those guys and wanted to take em on.
I also had a 12 gauge along.Made sure they were watching as I took the uncased 12 and a couple boxes of shells, clearly made it visible to them.
They tore the HECK out of there. Ruff and the 12 saved me that day.
Riverton by the way is in the Wind River Indian Rez and known to be a bad place to stop over. (enter at your own risk type place)
In all my travels and staying here and there in the back country, that is the only close call I've had. Once is all it takes I know.
So We want a little more peace of mind on our trips.
Jmac, have you owned one of these XDM model Springfields? I think you would change your mind![]()