NHL Stanely Cups Playoffs

Hate all you want but the Hawks are headed to the next round!! Theyre playing really well right now..!!!:10sign::10sign:
I thought this thread was named "NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs". Not the Minnesota Wild fan club:D!

Hope you watch some of the Bruins/ Canadians when it goes. Classic matchup.

We'll since there are only a few of us that are participating and two of us are from Colorado and Minnesota..... I guess it would seem logical to talk about that match-up.

Heck I've been watching many of the games from different series. Most of them have been absolutely stellar, best first round series that I can remember. The new seeding format the NHL came out with this year sure seems to have been a hit.

Hey Bleu, I hate to be one that blames the refs for a loss, but.... they jobbed the wild with two really bad no calls. The big one being the missed off sides call that led to the tying goal late in the 3rd period. It's blatantly obvious. Sports Center played it in slow mo and you can see it here if you pause it between 5 and 6 seconds in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovoqUzH6GTc

But.... that's the way them cookies crumble and water under the bridge now. All we can do is win another at home and send it back to Colorado and may the best team win.
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I have been off the site for a few days, but last nights loss to the Av's was a heart breaker. i am sure they will probably win at home here on Monday but all bets are off for the final game in Colorado. What do we think the chances are against Chicago now that they have beat the blues?
In Watching just about every game that has been played I have noticed that they have been missing several offsides calls. Some which they called it and it really wasn't and some were and they did not call it. At regular game speed It is tough for sure. The 2 calls I did not like were the snow shower on the goalie in which the goalie did not have total control of the puck and when McLeod hit your player at the bench and knocked him down and a Minnesota player came in and hit McLeod from the back and your player got the penalty. I did not think he should of gotten a penalty. It was nothing bad and did not interfere with the play. If anything, they both should of went off. I did notice since the SJ and Kings game the other night after many hits on the goalies, the league must have had a get together and said no more. Anyone touching a goalie seemed to get a penalty. Lots of broken sticks for some reason!!! 2 goals when we had 2 broken sticks. I did not think they were wood anymore!!!lol Get ready for game 7. Wild are good at home!!!:cheers:
Yeah, I understand that the refs can't see every call, just that this would likely have been a game changer with only a minute left. But in the same respect, it looked as if the Wild went into prevent mode and lost some of their aggressiveness late in the 3rd period. Trying to hold onto a lead so to speak and the Avs took it too them. I thought Wild's coach showed a lot of class by not mentioning anything about the no calls or officiating in general in his post game press conference, while some of the players expressed their disappointment with it.

Did you see the end of the Ducks/ Stars game last night? Down 2 goals with a couple minutes left and tying it and winning in OT. Absolutely one of the best endings to a game I've seen yet and there have been many this year. This playoff season is one to remember.....:10sign:
I have been off the site for a few days, but last nights loss to the Av's was a heart breaker. i am sure they will probably win at home here on Monday but all bets are off for the final game in Colorado. What do we think the chances are against Chicago now that they have beat the blues?

Right now, I think the Hawks have as good as chance as anyone in getting to and or winning the Western Conference finals if they continue to play the way they have the last 4 games.
Yeah, I understand that the refs can't see every call, just that this would likely have been a game changer with only a minute left. But in the same respect, it looked as if the Wild went into prevent mode and lost some of their aggressiveness late in the 3rd period. Trying to hold onto a lead so to speak and the Avs took it too them. I thought Wild's coach showed a lot of class by not mentioning anything about the no calls or officiating in general in his post game press conference, while some of the players expressed their disappointment with it.

Did you see the end of the Ducks/ Stars game last night? Down 2 goals with a couple minutes left and tying it and winning in OT. Absolutely one of the best endings to a game I've seen yet and there have been many this year. This playoff season is one to remember.....:10sign:

yes, been watching them all. Sometimes 2 are on at the same time, but different periods. That was a crazy game. Stars just were in shock!!
Wild stay alive. Back to Colorado

Wow! Roy rolled the dice pulling his goalie with almost 3 minutes left. 2 empty netters.
That's because he got away with that crap in game 5 and the blown calls by the refs for the win. That was a travesty. Wild won that game, refs stole it. Game one they pissed away. So it will not be surprising if they loose the series because those 2 games. It should have been done in 5 with MN moving on. Such is life. They did play as a team last night. See if they keep it up.
Officials have been inconsistent in some games, good in others. Some good hockey games so far tho. I do not watch the NHL much until the college season is over. Fun to watch the USHL players I have seen in Sioux Falls both college and pros.
Maybe they should take a page out of the NFL rulebook and allow coaches to throw a red flag, or better yet a switch for a red light for a challenge and review. Maybe allow two per game for each team. :cheers:

I agree the refs should not be deciding games and especially in the playoffs. They don't see everything, but all the more reason for a replay on a challenge.
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No Way

They review goals or apparent goals, sometimes not until the play is over and whistle blows, which could be some time. Hockey is by far the fastest sport. One reason some do not like to watch it, because they can't follow the puck. I tell them some of the best plays are away from the puck, so just don't try and watch the puck all the time. Remember they used to light the puck up on T.V. lol.....You have one linesman at that end on the blue line. I think it is much easier to call a guy out out at first base on a close play then to call offsides when 3 or more guy's are coming into the zone at once. It would of been harmless , if he did not score, so you really do not know the ramifications of your mistake until it is too late. It is interesting that each series is called a little differently .... I think that has a lot to do with each crew, but also the style of hockey that each team brings to the table... So, it is down to Winner Take all. Can't get better then that!!!! I did have a Superbowl flashback there at the end of game 6 , but the game was much closer then the score appeared. I knew whoever scored in the last 10 minutes was probably going to win it. Wild are excellent in the corners winning the puck and getting guy's in front for deflections. We need to do more of that, but for some reason are 2 biggest guy's seem to be %ussies. Glad Duchene made it back to health. Erik Johnson is from Minnesota and his dad is a season ticket holder. I bet his POP still where's his Minnesota Sweater instead of Avs. I think the Blackhawks are prime for being upset whomever they face. I hated to see Parise warm up and now he is hot. Hope it is a good game!!!:cheers:
Yep you cant replay a non call. in this case the whistle that never blew was the issue. Most all the time would have resulted in a bunch more time ate off the clock in the zone of the offender. Hence no goalie pulled, even strength and the win. Even if they dropped it in a switch takes more time. So it may or may not have gone in MN's favor. But the odds at the time would have certainly heavily favored them. But for a challenge it would have to be something the ref actually calls. In this case it was an easy one for them to see. They totally blew it. Or it was suspicious one or the other. I don't back the MN team if they don't deserve it. But this series they should be the victor, and for that reason I hope they pull it out. If not, I hold game one more accountable for them then the rest. That one they got complacent and let them back in it by being to defensive. Big mistake at this level. The other call I don't care for is that suspension call. That's a joke too. The guy flung his leg out last split millisecond trying to avoid a regular check. Huge bad call and worse sentence. It's Hockey not ballet.
Yep you cant replay a non call. in this case the whistle that never blew was the issue.

In the NFL I've seen red flags thrown when there was a question say for instance a player may have stepped out of bounds on his way to scoring a touchdown. No call by ref and ref signals a touchdown, but coach throws the flag and it is reviewed. Play is reviewed and the touchdown stands or is reversed.

Here's a hypothetical in hockey:

Coach, assistant coach, etc.. notices (as in Saturday's game) a player off sides which leads to a goal being scored. Coach signals he wants a review of a possible off sides. Remember were only allowing 2 per game. They review the footage and indeed see that the player is clearly off sides. Time is put back on the clock, the goal does not count and a face off ensues. If said Coach loses his call, he loses what ever remaining challenges he may have.

Not sure why this could not be possible. Yes, it would slow down the game some but the same happens now in baseball and football.

I think there could be a place for instant replay in Hockey (besides just at the net) as is now with Baseball and football to prevent instances like Saturday night when a team could possible lose a chance to advance in the playoffs because of a blown or no call. Food for thought. :confused:
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Cooke's hit knee on knee to Barrie was not only cheap, but intentional. Meaning I don't think he said before the game" I am going to knee this guy" . His reputation of being dirty is looking at his record. He could of avoided that knee hit. I am all for good hockey hits, but the hits to the head and knees of players should not potentially end someones season or career and then say, well that is hockey. The reason his suspension was only 7 games is because the union would of bitched and appealed as the can appeal any suspension over 6 games. I guess when they made him fly to New York for his suspension, he felt lucky it wasn't more given his record. Taking away our best offensive defensemen for 4-6 weeks is far worse then any one bad call. Hockey is not about players like Bertuzzi who jump a player from behind and smash his face into the ice and breaks his neck. Bertuzzi should never have seen the ice again ,just as the player Moore who he injured never could play again in the NHL.
Back on tonight! I just hope it is a good game where the refs or cheap shots do not determine the outcome. Let's keep it clean and play a solid game of hockey and may the best team (Wild) win. (sorry I just had to add the wild in there, after all I am born and raised MN)
Generally, let them play. It is when they give inconsistent calls and and the skaters do not know where to draw the line that somebody gets screwed. Having said that there is no place for cheap shots. Getting chippy in the last few seconds when you have been beat gets my goat to. What purpose does it serve.
the sports talk here today is that the wild have a better than average shot at going to Rd 2. Momentum more than anything. 3 game 7's tonight???? Yowza! First time since 03 I think???