I’m a crop scouting intern in far Western Kansas for the summer, and I cover a tremendous amount of country over 5 counties every week. The situation is ugly out here. This is becoming just as bad of a drought as 2012. High winds, daily 100+ temps, and no rain of any significance for a long time.
The dryland (non-irrigated) corn is burning up. The milo is barely growing, and is just hanging on. The pastures are brown, and the grass is not growing. The farm I’m working for also has a 9,000 acre cattle ranch, and tomorrow we’re shipping out the last of 1,500 head. They would normally all be out here for at least another month. This is undoubtedly the worst drought that western Kansas has seen in a long time.
That said, I’m still seeing pheasants, including a few broods. This area had a good carryover of adult birds from the last couple of years. The conditions are certainly taking their toll on everything, though. Crops, pastures, livestock, and the critters. If we don’t get some rain soon (and it doesn’t look like we will) things will only continue to get worse.