NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

All of them could be rounded up at the Ponderosa and it wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit, along with the porcupines, badgers, skunks and prairie dogs.

Speaking of critters, I did see some turkey poults today. That was the first ones I have seen this season. Haven't seen any lesser prairie chicken broods, but bet they are out there.

Today's shot!! Not too serious yet ,but not far away.
Oh yeah, that's what I am talking about!

Nice bulls. Gives me a bad case of the fever. Top one looks like a 6x and can't tell what the other one is, but good good good. Would be even better if that was at the Ponderosa. Taking an elk on the Ponderosa is on my bucket list, but hasn't been any around for a couple years. Maybe, just maybe, this is the year.

Ah, I think fall is near.

God Bless you Bleu and God Bless the Critters.
0.80" at the Ponderosa on Thursday morning(8-25-2016)

A little too wet, but started late afternoon and worked late into the night planting fall deer food plots. Using my no till drill in plots that hadn't been plowed. Glad I did as there is more rain this morning. Things had gotten really dry and these rains are welcomed. Just the day before I had that familiar sound of dry grass crunching under my foot steps. A sound that for a few years prior was just a daily occurrence. Thank God we have had moisture this year. PTL
Thanks Maynard..Thought you might enjoy that pic. I hope a beauty is spotted on the Ponderosa this year!! Glad it is still raining out there. If the market was any good, this years Fall harvest might set records.
I haven't been on the road much now that I don't have my old job, but did make it to Montezuma this week and the crops there are very good and there are playas full all over. Should be a good year for upland birds and waterfowl.

Working on a post for over on the Lounge of how I spent this evening in Dodge.
Had 4.79 last week. Marshes are full and roads are a mess! I predict another round of mosquitoes and they're predicting more next week.
Had 4.79 last week. Marshes are full and roads are a mess! I predict another round of mosquitoes and they're predicting more next week.

I knew you were getting lots of rain. Seems like around state fair time your part of the world gets rain. Hope the next round misses you and lets you dry out a bit.
18 Setters , You will have plenty of dog power this fall !!!

I know some are already spoken for . How many dogs will,you hunt this year ?

Maynard glad to here things are looking good your way !!!!
7 of the 18 are under 12 weeks old, so power is limited there. Add in a retirement girl and a couple of others pushing 11 and things start to get more normal. I'll probably hunt 9-10. Yes, we're wet. However, with all our sand, in a couple of days the most sandy spots could be worked. The forecast says we may as well forget about that for a bit!
I have been wanting to plant some turnips, radishes and clover at the bottom of an alfalfa fields. But it keeps raining just enough to keep me out. But this is still way better than no rain.
I have been wanting to plant some turnips, radishes and clover at the bottom of an alfalfa fields. But it keeps raining just enough to keep me out. But this is still way better than no rain.

I'll give you Wichitas rain from Friday night - dont remember receiving that much rain in that short of time...ever. Halloween flood of 1998 comes close however that rain was a little more spread out than this.
Super dry and hot winds at the Ponderosa. Some farmers dusting their wheat in. No rain in forecast for a long time. Especially trees are suffering from lack of moisture and hot dry winds. Overall it has been a really good year moisture wise. Record wheat crop was harvested earlier and it looks like the fall harvest will be a bin buster.

Actually saw a circle of irrigated milo being harvested yesterday. Much of the dry land corn has been cut. I have never seen this many acres of dry land corn in this area and it all looked good. Haven't heard any yields. Some high moisture corn has been cut and farmers beginning in earnest cutting irrigated corn.

Critters have benefited from this year's weather. :cheers:
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Maynard, I saw an ear of corn that my Farmer friend in Kansas brought with him when he came Grouse hunting in Sept. Largest dry land ear I have personally seen. He did mention the sugarcane aphid on the Milo that I know nothing about, but said they were clearing large areas of ground to store the excess milo in anticipation of this years Fall harvest. He was drilling in Wheat last week as well.:thumbsup:
The sugar cane aphid has been a problem in the milo this year.

See in the paper that a farmer in Gray County(county adjacent to and west of Ford County) was cutting 115-130 bushel dry land corn.

With seven weeks until the pheasant opener, I suspect that almost all fall crops will be harvested in this area.
It had been hot and very dry at the Ponderosa until the cold front moved in this weekend. Most forecasters gave us little chance for any rain, but I did get 0.40" on Saturday and 0.25" today(Sunday). I had dusted in some brassicas ahead of the rains, so this should get them up. The brassicas I planted in August after a little rain were needing a drink and this should really help them.
We got a bit more Maynard. Ended up with 2.46 for the event. Rained most of the day Saturday and forced me to watch college football, darn:). I don't know that we needed that much, but I'll be more apt to complain about too little than too much. I lazed out yesterday and let teal season close without another outing.
Good deal Drifter.

I certainly could have used more rain, but was happy to at least get a spit and sputter.