NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Maynard, how is harvest going in your neck of the woods? My friend e-mailed me and said he might make elk camp this year as he only has 200 acres left of milo to cut unless he gets more.. Said it needs to freeze first, but has already cut a bunch.
Looking back over the rainfall at the Ponderosa over the summer--

July 30 0.95"
Aug 8 0.60"
Aug 25 0.80"
Sept 24 0.65"

15 day forecast is dry, except Sunday(November 6th) has a 60% chance of rain. Scenting conditions will not be good for the dogs.

At this time forecast for the opener is 70/40 SW winds at 11 mph.

I can remember hunting the opener in a variety of weather from short sleeves to a blizzard.

Only a very few fields of milo still standing.
Really hoping the forecast changes for Saturday, I'd almost take that blizzard of '99 (I think) over 70 degrees. Sunday looks to be pretty comfortable if the forecast stays the same.
It is getting pretty dry again out near Dodge City. It might be time for someone to start back up on his "rain dance".
When I fish naked, I have the river to myself :eek:

I bet you do.

I used to skinny dip in the Arkansas River with some brothers. I didn't have a problem being there naked with the hairy beasts, just learned it was best to always be upstream of them. Lots of stories about those guys.
A little rain dance wouldn't hurt anything I guess. You might want to stay in practice just in case it gets dryer. I remember the last time you got things going. I think you were just outside the city limits of Garden City when you got naked and took a long leak in the corn stubble . Please correct me if I am wrong. Then, what happened? The rain machine would not stop. Amazing!
It is getting pretty dry again out near Dodge City. It might be time for someone to start back up on his "rain dance".

Wash and dry your vehicle. Put some time into it! If that doesn't work, buff/wax it. Detail the heck out of it. Even clean the undercarriage. Sometimes it may take 24 hours to rain, but it will rain:D
I have had some successful rain dances and some not. Some quite eventful rain dances even. I was discussing this the other morning at the coffee shop with, of all people, my Jamaican buddy Jamaar. Wish I could say what he told me in my best Jamaican accent, but he said, "Old Jamaican Proverb- Mon who can't dance say music no good."

Maybe the music or lack thereof is the problem.
Maybe mix in some Sirius radio with that rain dance! Call me first so I can move the canoe up by the house!

Just figured my fall rainfall. In September we had 7.3 inches (normal 3.45). October gave us .45 (normal 2.41). November was .79 (normal 1.19). So far December has put .42 in the gauge (normal .97). We could use a shot of moisture however it comes! Please no ice!
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I'll be sure to give you a warning call. I listen to Sirius radio in the truck but on one of the Christian channels, either Message or Enlighten. I'll have to check around for a good channel for my rain dance.

Still in the deer hunting mode at the Ponderosa. Wish we could get tagged out then chase some pheasant and quail. I did have a high flight of seven lesser prairie chicken fly over my deer stand on their way from my milo stalks back to the roost in the canyons on the last day of rifle season. Always good to see the LPC. They bring a smile to my face every time and a Praise the Lord from my lips.

Bought some used bobcat live traps. Need to get after some bobcats. The cat I tried to trap last year hasn't been showing up on the trail cameras. I also have a gallon of coyote urine for the sets. Told my son in KC, "you know I bet you that there are very few people in Kansas City that are fortunate enough to have a gallon of coyote pee. Just let them be jealous! Some have got it some don't, plain and simple."
ok dumb question, whats the yote pee for? I assume (and you know what happens when) its to either mask your scent or attract bobcats, which doesn't sound right.
Thanks for the answer
It is lure to use around the set. Personally, I have never used it before but the man I bought the traps from swears by it. Probably when I walked off he said under his breath, "What a dunce, I sold him a gallon of coyote pee."
I'd think some clumps out of the wife's cat box would work better than coyote urine! Seems that they aren't exactly friends those two. Are you using live bait? Got some on the back porch I'd give you:)! Ducks and guinea's work well too! Are you using flags? Good time of year for it with all the tinsel around! I do like catching spotted kitties! Good to hear on the lessers! I'm about to start on fire breaks and girdling elms and locust. Got to make sure I don't freeze to the tractor in this weather though. No cab here!
I'd think some clumps out of the wife's cat box would work better than coyote urine! Seems that they aren't exactly friends those two. Are you using live bait? Got some on the back porch I'd give you:)! Ducks and guinea's work well too! Are you using flags? Good time of year for it with all the tinsel around! I do like catching spotted kitties! Good to hear on the lessers! I'm about to start on fire breaks and girdling elms and locust. Got to make sure I don't freeze to the tractor in this weather though. No cab here!

Is that live bait on your back porch or cat droppings? I do have plenty of cat poop from my two house cats. No ducks for live bait. How about a big noisy rooster?

I wish you had my tractor with cab. I have been needing to get my rototiller going for my spring tree plantings, but haven't had time. Still hope to soon. The spots were tilled last year, but then by the time I got the CRP approved K-State was out of trees. Ground there won't be super hard since it was tilled last year, but would like to rip it a bit, then rototill and let it sit over the winter. Lots to do at the Ponderosa and not a lot of sic em in this old dog anymore.

Don't have any trips planned your way, but if I do I will holler.
Looks like a shot of moisture moving in the direction of the Ponderosa. Merry Christmas to all of you and your families.
Here it comes. Thunderstorm warning issued.
