New Moderators


On the way, for those that have gotten tired of the old guys. :)

New blood, four to be exact.
All are long time quality contributors to the UPH forums. :thumbsup:

However WE, (old mods) are still here. :cheers:
I want to be the first to congratulate coot on his new appointment:thumbsup:

Why thank you. Your A$$ is out of here:D No more mr. nice guy:eek: Give you monkeys and inch you take a mile:mad: MNMT let you guys get away with way to much:mad: And hes a Viking fan. That alone should disqualify you:D
Hey coot, I assume you will be needing a bat to do your job as moderator. I have a nice George Brett pinetar game replica bat you can borrow if you want. :D. Ban me first I spend too much time on here anyway. Then maybe you could win the pickem next year
Lol Carp and coot you Crack me up. Carp don't give that bat to coot he will hurt him self with it. LOL:D
kept some of the worst ones and got rid of the good ones way to go web guy figured you would do the opposite of what you told me lol the ones who told you off you kept lol what a joke
Lol Carp and coot you Crack me up. Carp don't give that bat to coot he will hurt him self with it. LOL:D

That does it Mac Daddy:mad: I won't get rid of you. I need someone to make an example of:eek: To teach new members how not to behave and thats you:thumbsup: You guys are lucky I don't let power go to my head:D I can't use a bat I don't know what end to use:)
Who are the new mods anyways? And who'd we send to pasture?
That does it Mac Daddy:mad: I won't get rid of you. I need someone to make an example of:eek: To teach new members how not to behave and thats you:thumbsup: You guys are lucky I don't let power go to my head:D I can't use a bat I don't know what end to use:)
Who are the new mods anyways? And who'd we send to pasture?

LOL cooty your funny as heck. Keep it up LOL:thumbsup::
I want to be the first to congratulate coot on his new appointment:thumbsup:

You've got to be kiddin me !! :eek: :confused:

I demand to know how you arrived at Coot? Let's face it, his qualifications suck.. :mad:

This place used to be a nice place to visit, now..... all bets are off. :rolleyes:

We'll I'll bet he will be pushing to win Mod of the montth for most bans in a month... Nice rewards I'll bet. :p
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I have to ask, who would be better at knowing when someone should be banned than coot? Kinda like when you ask a thief to help with the security at your house:eek: Ok maybe he could get like a special project. I don't know maybe he could be the grammer police or head spell checker. There are a couple on here that could be his assistants. :D Hey coot, when you become moderator will you go by coot/labman or jethro? They have to know what to put on your name tag and armband:D
Actually Coot is on the short list. Coot would do OK as a Mod. :thumbsup:
Coot does good with on UPH, good contributor.
Not sure about the Packer Fan problem? :confused:
Coot does OK. :thumbsup:
Actually Coot is on the short list. Coot would do OK as a Mod. :thumbsup:
Coot does good with on UPH, good contributor.
Not sure about the Packer Fan problem? :confused:
Coot does OK. :thumbsup:

I think you meant to say coot is on the short bus:D
Oh, by the way, The new Mods are chosen by the old mods.
Be patient. :)
You've got to be kiddin me !!

I demand to know how you arrived at Coot? Let's face it, his qualifications suck.. :mad:

This place used to be a nice place to visit, now..... all bets are off. :rolleyes:

We'll I'll bet he will be pushing to win Mod of the montth for most bans in a month... Nice rewards I'll bet. :p

My qualifications don't suck:mad: Vikings suck:D I'm nominating birdshooter he's very level headed and always nice to me:)
Who is going to screw with the k-state homers now that only a pointer is gone? Way to go coot i blame this on you:D
I have to ask, who would be better at knowing when someone should be banned than coot? Kinda like when you ask a thief to help with the security at your house Ok maybe he could get like a special project. I don't know maybe he could be the grammer police or head spell checker. There are a couple on here that could be his assistants. Hey coot, when you become moderator will you go by coot/labman or jethro? They have to know what to put on your name tag and armband:D

This pisses me off Carp:mad::D Coot; jethro ok LABMAN:mad: YOU NEED TO BE A MOD. YOU GOT THE GOERGE BRETT BAT:thumbsup: And the nuns said I would never become anything:)