Mountain Lions?


Super Moderator
Has anyone seen a mountain lion while out in your ventures through Kansas? The department of wildlife denies they exist in our state, but I've heard stories of them.

One of which was a guy in Cloud County caught one on his trail cam. Another story I heard was about a guy shooting one in NE KS. The next day, the KDWP came by asking where the cat was. Apparently it was GPS tagged or something. Huge fine, weapons seized, etc...

Edit: Apologies as I see this has already been discussed in a separate thread.
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i can take you were there are a few right here close the parks dept tells us these things becouse they cant handle the news media that would come into play if they actually admitted it
Saw one at the ranch in 1986. County surveyors saw a momma and her kit near the ranch this past year.
I've seen one in Jewell County 3 years ago, then a buddy got a pic of a momma and he2 kittens on his trail cam this year
me and a buddy have seen one in douglas county near clinton lake deer hunting on private land, my buddys dad had seen a few time before that. that was about 5 years ago. havnt seen it since
couple of reports of cougars near wolf creek at 24/40 a few years ago. Wildlife officials took casts of paw prints. that area in there is full of bluffs and small caves.
Funny this thread came up. My friend and I just got back from a trip to Kansas and he saw one on a wiha. It screamed at him and then he saw it in the grass, long tail and all. He was FREAKED out! He said he has never felt true fear shoot thru his body like that before.
So, it would seem that I'm not the only one hearing these stories or can confirm that someone has seen them.

The story about the tagged cat I wrote about was actually the neighbor of a long-time friend and hunting buddy's uncle out near Holton.

I would assume there's more than just a few running amuck through the state. It would be nice if the state would actually own up to it.
If I was a mountain lion I certainly wouldn't mind living in Kansas. Snack on pheasant all day and stalk up a deer napping in the CRP. Can't get much easier than that.
So, it would seem that I'm not the only one hearing these stories or can confirm that someone has seen them.

The story about the tagged cat I wrote about was actually the neighbor of a long-time friend and hunting buddy's uncle out near Holton.

I would assume there's more than just a few running amuck through the state. It would be nice if the state would actually own up to it.
I've seen them before in Rice Co. Good luck with the state owning up to something that they released to help control the deer population! :D
I'm sure some of you got this txt floating around...

I've seen them before in Rice Co. Good luck with the state owning up to something that they released to help control the deer population! :D

Hahah! I think that's definitely possible. There has to be a reason there was a tagged cat.

Any idea where that was taken Spence?
You know they are in Kansas, there are pictures of two different cats in the Kansas City Star, in the last two months, one shot by a coon hunter in Ray County, Mo. The other photographed in a tree in Parkville, Mo. Platte County. Supposedly young males passing through to somewhere unspecified, according to the MDC. Maybe to Kansas! They have been hit on I-70 as far east as Columbia, and as close to home as the approach to the Paseo Bridge on I-29 in North Kansas City. At least one killed on I-80 in the metroarea of Omaha, as well. Are we to believe the conservation departments or our lying eyes?
During the 09-10 deer season KDWP posted pics of one taken from a deer hunter while in his treestand. I think the pic was taken in Wabuansee county. December 16, 2010 the KDWP confirmed one in Nemaha county sighted on Dec 7. They have confirmed 5 sightings since 2007 according to the KDWP website.
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During the 09-10 deer season KDWP posted pics of one taken from a deer hunter while in his treestand. I think the pic was taken in Wabuansee county. December 16, 2010 the KDWP confirmed one in Nemaha county sighted on Dec 7. They have confirmed 5 sightings since 2007 according to the KDWP website.

I believe the one taken from the deer stand was at the Cedar Bluff WA. There was a high school kid out running one evening in Wabaunsee county that claimed to have been attacked. The guy that picked him up after the alledged attack worked for me at the time. I told him to level w/ me and give me his thoughts based on what he'd witnessed. He said the kid was white as a ghost and that he'd been scratched by something w/ huge paws.

Finally, another guy that works for me happens to be a local rancher as well. One day we were discussing whether or not they actually were present in KS. I've heard stories my entire life, but I've never seen one or a paw print from one in all my travels, so I was very skeptical. He said, "I can assure you they're here. I have a picture of a big calf I'll bring tomorrow and let you be the judge." Well, I saw that pic the next day and couldn't believe the spacing of the claw marks and the damage that had been done to this calf. BTW, this "calf" was in the 500lb. neighborhood, which is much, much larger than anything a coyote or bobcat would ever even consider trying to take down and eat. The man I'm referring to is a very honest character. Between the pic and his conviction, I became a believer.
I believe the one taken from the deer stand was at the Cedar Bluff WA. There was a high school kid out running one evening in Wabaunsee county that claimed to have been attacked. The guy that picked him up after the alledged attack worked for me at the time. I told him to level w/ me and give me his thoughts based on what he'd witnessed. He said the kid was white as a ghost and that he'd been scratched by something w/ huge paws.

I worked with a kid that was best friends of this victim you talk about. I was skeptical before talking to my co-worker but always knew there was a possibility that they were here. Apparently the state was trying to convince the victim that he was attacked by a bobcat not a cougar. Having trapped bobcats for most of his life the kid knew what he was attacked by. So I believe that story 100%
I've seen them before in Rice Co. Good luck with the state owning up to something that they released to help control the deer population! :D

You have to be kidding! Why would they spend money on lions when they can sell deer tags to every non-resident that wants one? I am sure that we have an occasional lion wonder through but it is ridiculous to claim KDWP set them loose to kill deer. Could you imagine the liability to the state if a lion attacked and killed someone? Get real.
You have to be kidding! Why would they spend money on lions when they can sell deer tags to every non-resident that wants one? I am sure that we have an occasional lion wonder through but it is ridiculous to claim KDWP set them loose to kill deer. Could you imagine the liability to the state if a lion attacked and killed someone? Get real.

my grandpa has friend that he bowhunts with that used to work for the kdwp. he told my grandpa that the state DID release a few lion of the same sex apprently sometime in the 90's. he said that they would never admit it but that it was true. im not saying that it is true..but i wouldnt put it past them. anything is possible. the guy could be full of crap, but he could be telling the truth
It is kinda funny why they hushed every report up for years AND other states and the fed track the darn things of course they know they are here.