Most vicious animal

Whats the most vicious animal you ever ran into? Well I've ran into a few in my 40 years on earth. Ranging from pigs cows chickens rabbit coon dogs scunk beaver turtles fish owls cats turkey. But the ones that scared me the most was a flock of geese:eek: Yup those things are mean I wasn't very old and there was a big flock of them in the pond behind the buildings so I went out to scare them bad idea they peeked the shit out of me and slap me with their wings:mad: Made really mean noises too:eek: I was lucky to make it out of there alive:D Ownly thing I can think of why they were so mean is they could sense that I would grow up to be a Waterfowl killing fool:D
I will go along with a goose. We had them on the farm and you did not have to do anything. Just come out of the house to go to the car and they would peek and beat the crap out of you. Needless to say they did not last long just until Thanksgiving and Christmas.....Bob
Jack Russell terriors.:eek: We should all be thankful they only weigh about 15lbs. My jrt female will fight anything 10x her size and win, just ask my old 100lb pitbull/ mastiff mix.
Also the pine martins bigger cousin the fisher, I've never seen one but I've seen a porqupine that was a meal for one. They have no predators around here, not even a cougar dare mess with one.
a women!!!
Banti Rooster or Badger!!!! Had a muskrat cornered once, broke two hand tools and thought I was in deep do do. Had badgers chase me twice , but I was chasing them first. They quickly changed my mind!!!:cheers:
Humans hands down, but if we except those, wolverines are legendary, even pee on their own kills to mark it so nothing else will eat it! Most likely to encounter, I'll go with a badger, both badger and wolverine, fisher as well just a weasel on steroids.
Most Dangerous Critter

Whats the most vicious animal you ever ran into? Well I've ran into a few in my 40 years on earth. Ranging from pigs cows chickens rabbit coon dogs scunk beaver turtles fish owls cats turkey. But the ones that scared me the most was a flock of geese:eek: Yup those things are mean I wasn't very old and there was a big flock of them in the pond behind the buildings so I went out to scare them bad idea they peeked the shit out of me and slap me with their wings:mad: Made really mean noises too:eek: I was lucky to make it out of there alive:D Ownly thing I can think of why they were so mean is they could sense that I would grow up to be a Waterfowl killing fool:D

Homo sapiens, hands down, is the most dangerous critter on earth. "Homo homini Iupus," a Latin proverb meaning "Man is the wolf of mankind."
Wolves, hands-down. However, if Weasels weighed as much as a Wolf, I'd think twice about stalking the woods. Had the question posed "what is the stupidest creature?", Man wouldn't have a credible challenger.
What he isn't mentioning is that his sister is also quite a few years younger than him :D sorry bud lol

Not good kscountryboy11:D, but not to worry with the massive brain power on here we'll come up with ways of stopping her:thumbsup: I had two older sisters and they still us words that burn my ears because their that bad:eek: Might have to start a new thread so everyone see's it and can help:D

Nice article on wolve's jsdriggs:thumbsup:
My brother and I had a grizz claw through our tent in "the Bob" a while back.
30 some years later, still makes the hair stand up on my back thinking about it.
Grizz are probably the worst I've encountered.