Medical Question


Well-known member
I have a spayed female Brittany that will be 12 this summer. Within the past two weeks we have noticed she has an increased appetite and within the past week that she is drinking a lot more water and urinating more frequently. Other than that she is healthy and completely normal. First thought was diabetes so I got a urine specimen and took her to the vet. They did the urinalysis and blood work and there is no sign of diabetes. At this point they don't have an answer without doing a bunch more tests. One possibility was Cushings Disease but we haven't tested for that yet. I was just wondering if anyone might have any insight on this issue. Thanks.
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Does she pant more than usual or get tired out easier?

My vet told me that heart worms will make a dog drink more and cause changes to their appetite. I figured the dog appetite would decrease opposed to increase in your situation, but just thought I would share the info.
She is perfectly normal except for the increased appetite and water consumption. However, neither the increase in appetite or water intake are real excessive. I would be about 99% certain it has nothing to do with heart worm.
Really hard to say George. Usually there is a decrease in appetite and an increase in thirst for quite a few ailments. That's how we knew something was up with my first dog Buck. The increased appetite throws me, keep an eye on her and make sure she's comfortable, she's getting up there in age.
I hope she will be alright George~
Lot's begin to happen to Britts as they turn 12ish.

I had one dog become diabetic at 11. She had wounds on her lower legs and paws that would not heal. I never noticed a higher intake of water.

Brother lost a Britt to Cushings at too young an age (maybe 5 or 6). She went blind and she became plump (round), but that was longer term as the chronic condition continued.
My 14 yr old does drink a lot of water but food intake is normal and she is carrying about the same weight plus a lot of lumps and tumors and loss of hearing, she still has a spring in her step. Not sure what could be occurring other then old age, lot of help I know......
In my experience with older bird dogs, I suspect kidney disease. Comes on fairly quickly. I have lost several that way, pointers and setters.
The blood test and urinalysis have ruled out any diabetes. Cushing's Disease in another possibility but the vet doesn't really think it's that either. Right now we are going to just monitor her for a while and see if any other symptoms show up. Plan to put her on Hill's Prescription Diet K/D dog food. It's for kidneys so they don't have so much to process.

Like I said in my OP, she is almost 12 years old and I know from past experience that it's an age that bad things can start showing up. If I can get another year or two out of her in relatively good health I'd be happy.
Hey George...I've got nothing; but good luck with the health of your Britt.
Got more tests back today and she has Cushings Disease. She also has some kind of infection that is not related to the Cushings so they want to test her for Pancreatitis. We are trying to get an ultrasound scheduled in Sioux Falls to check and see if the tumor causing the Cushings is located on the kindey/adrenal gland or the pituitary gland.

The wife and I were just commenting recently on how healthy a dog she was at 12 years of age and WHAM! all of a sudden all this. $$$$$$$$$$
I'm sorry to read that, Zeb.

Tough experience for all creatures involved.

Tough decisions as well.

My best wishes to you folks.
Mattie has been at the vets since yesterday on IV's and antibiotics. Not much improvement. Did get her temp down to normal and WBC down a little but still high. Vet did xrays and feels there is something in the area of the liver and pancreas. He suspects it's pancreatitis brought on by the Cushings. She still wont' eat and now her abdomen is filling with fluid. We have two options. Load her up right now and head to the University of Minnesota for more tests and ultrasounds OR we put her down.

At 12 years of age and a steep uphill battle with Cushings and possible pnacreatitis we just don't feel it's fair to her to put her through all that with little hope of having a healthy dog. I visited with my vet friend in Pueblo, CO and he feels that our decision is best for all involved. So later this afternoon our dear little Mattie will make the journey to the big kennel in the sky.


Sounds like the right decision to me...yall are good pet owners. She will have no more pain. So sorry to read this. Doggie heaven is getting a fine new tenant.
I to believe you are making the right move but I also know that doesn't help make it any easier as I have went though it before and will go though it again. Seem to remember all the good times and forget all the rest.
Been through it several time myself and it never gets any easier. In fact I think as I've gotten older it gets even tougher. Been 7 years since my last one. Thanks for the thoughts guys, I appreciate it.
So sorry George. I agree it seems even tougher the older we get. All the great pics and memories of the dogs we have lost help ease the pain, but it is almost unbearable at the time of making that decision. Knowing what is the right thing to do doesn't make it any easier.