Lost an old friend today!

Bob M

New member
Bob's Batttue Bailey, my old Chessie died today. She would have been 13 in the spring. She gave me her best all those years, never quit, no matter how rough or cold. Not a finished trial dog by any means but she hunted her heart out for me and was a great companion. Doves, ducks, phez, and geese, we did em all. She will be missed, and she will be remembered!

Bailey and Preston, my grandson, on one of her final hunts last year.

Sorry about your loss today friend. Sounds like she had a good life. 13 years of chasing game! I suppose keeping that in mind helps a bit. Still hurts regardless, I know.:eek:
Everyone here knows the pain you are feeling,sorry for your loss.
It's good to appreciate what a dog did for you. Now think of all you did for her and get another one and do the same. :)
Sorry for your loss. Around here we all feel for a person in your shoes.

What's next? Another chessie or an entirely different adventure?
A little over two years ago I got an ESS pup from FC Springer to start the transition to a new dog as my ol Bailey was slowing down. Gus, the replacement, has come a long way and is trying hard to fill her job!

Tryin to keep up with TWO kids can be hard on an ol man!
He looks like a stud all growed up. Glad hes workin out. PoP is headed for his 3rd National and some huntin after that. Some day before long we will have to hunt the two together. Hope he gives you and your kids some good times for years to come. Hard, and well, never can forget our friends from the past. But the new kids on the block, help us move forward. Take care Bob, Ken;)
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I saw this after posting above but it would apply to you as well. I feel for anybody that has lost his dog. Will Rogers used to say "If dogs don't go to heaven, I want to go where they go!" I'm sort of that way myself. He also used to say , "If you think you are important, try ordering somebodyelse's dog around!" Also true in my opinion. Bill

What I have learned after practicing veterinary medicine for forty years is that stuff like this happens. If all our bag of tricks worked we would all live forever, but they don't and we don't. Something else I learned is that putting one down is one of the hardest things we will ever have to do... We do it for them! We do not do it for ourselves, because we would keep them forever if we could...We do it for them...It is the last KIND thing we can do for them. We as 'Owners" take their pain and hurt onto our own shoulders and say to them , "I'll hurt and you won't have to anymore." I think of it in a simple way as being what Jesus did for us, because he sacrificed his life to pay our debt of sin. A debt we were unworthy and unable to pay. He did it for us even while we were sinners. He did for us what we were unable to do. He said I will hurt and you won't have to. Maybe that is an oversimplification, but I believe it anyway.

I also learned through having outlived several of my own pets, that when I get another dog, it absolutely does NOT replace the deceased one in my heart! Each of us has an UNLIMITED supply of love to give, and when we give to another, the new will sit side by side in our hearts with the one that has "hunted on ahead of us". If you think about it, try to imagine that the dear departed can see you with the new dog, and he/she is somewhere out there smiling and saying to his pals, "Look there , he's got another pup! See I told you I did my job well! He could not keep me, but he wanted to and he got another one, because he loved me!"

Finally, one of the best things I learned is that the new pup serves as a reminder, every day, of the other dogs you have had or will have in the rest of your life! What a blessing in life I have had with the dogs I have shared my life with. I pity the folks who go through life never having loved nor been loved by, a dog. I am truly sorry every time I read one of these messages when someone has lost their friend, and right now I am shedding a tear with you, my friend, and thinking too of dogs I have known and dogs of my friends and clients. Many were diamonds to me. God bless you and go find another one! There has never been a pup that couldn't squirm up into your lap, lick your face, and not make you feel better! It is my prayer that God will bless you and all those who have lost a dog.

Bob, I'm catching up from the off-season. I was very sorry to hear about Bailey. I'm sure you'll have great memories of your time together.