Lets See Your Dogs..post some pic's

next year

George: Let's connect next year for sure. I'll spend several weeks out your way during the season so I'll stop in and we can make some plans. Have a great new year and keep napping with the dog.
Gauge from sundays hunt! He was able to get get 8 birds out of the thick covered woods! Thanks to him we got two of them that we would not be able to get with out the 4 legged best friend.... And ive heard a dog should always look like the owner.. We are both gingers and my girlfriend says we look the same! lol!
German Shorthaired Pointer Pup.

This is my new hunting buddy, He is coming to me from Bear Creek Kennels in Iowa. Im very excited to start his training and get him on some birds!!!!!

I plan to hunt fur with him aswell after he turns 2 and is fully confident with the birds!

Any GSP advice and warnings would be welcome!


This is my new hunting buddy, He is coming to me from Bear Creek Kennels in Iowa. Im very excited to start his training and get him on some birds!!!!!

I plan to hunt fur with him aswell after he turns 2 and is fully confident with the birds!

Any GSP advice and warnings would be welcome!



I don't know where to start!!!! It's all good though!! Can be crazy at times! Mine were slow to develop I guess to other Gsp's I have had! One took 6 months before I thought was ready for the gun and his brother took 9 months!! You can tell if you look hard enough at the signs, when they are ready!! Hunted both at 10 months on wild Roosters in Kansas and Colorado and they did well and grew each time out!!! If you give me a hint on the lineage and can help with the Start time ( In General ) of when They might be ready for Hunting!!! Lots of variables here, but I can tell you it differs between lines of GSP's!!! Not all the time , but Most of the time!! Mine were on Birds early, just did not introduce the gun until it was right! Gun meaning cap pistol and 28 gauge when the dogs were away from me having fun!! More of a noise intro!!!! They will learn to associate gun and bird together later!!! I introduced live chukars in a crate when they were 6 weeks old!! Did not want the flapping around too much, because it scares them at that age!! When they get a little older, the flapping drives them nuts!!!:cheers:
This is my new hunting buddy, He is coming to me from Bear Creek Kennels in Iowa. Im very excited to start his training and get him on some birds!!!!!

I plan to hunt fur with him aswell after he turns 2 and is fully confident with the birds!

Any GSP advice and warnings would be welcome!



Nice looking pup M.E.!
My 2.5 yr old male Brittany
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Snapped this one today, damn dogs act like taking a picture is torture.:rolleyes:

Thanks, he's my first bird dog and i'm having a blast with him. I was pretty serious about big game until I bought him but he sure has been a game changer for me. Grouse used to be something we shot with .22 rifles around moose camp. Now my buddies laugh hysterically when I tell them I refuse to kill a bird that isn't on the wing and properly pointed by my dog!!!
Thanks, he's my first bird dog and i'm having a blast with him. I was pretty serious about big game until I bought him but he sure has been a game changer for me. Grouse used to be something we shot with .22 rifles around moose camp. Now my buddies laugh hysterically when I tell them I refuse to kill a bird that isn't on the wing and properly pointed by my dog!!!
Here are a few pictures from today with the dogs.

Ace with Indy in the background

Indy backing

Indy on the bird and Ace backing

They are getting out there a ways looking for birds.
I posted this in the intro area but I thought it would do some good here. This is Dozer he's a friend of mines GSP. He passed away almost 2 years ago, he got me into upland hunting the least I can do was keep the dog working!

First trip to South Dakota two years ago.

We were trying to get a picture of a back but the bird didn't hold. I guess this will do. :)

An Iowa bird no way! This point was my girlfriends first bird he held it for I don't know how long as we were taking a break and not watching him.

The result of that point, with the gun.

Working on retrieving to hand, I don't think he likes me taking his picture.
dsmtsi those are some nice looking pics.

I have been getting my two guys out a little to work and get some running in.



