It creeps in. Where do we go after the President executive orders gun restrictions?


Active member
Looks like we will take a short cut and take a tactic from the previous adminstration, remember the water boarding, torturing outside the country? presidential edict. Gosh those nettlesome Constitution gaurantees, once we toss them aside, any thing can happen. Now we can restrict gun ownership to Americans with out our advice or consent or even congress. Don't think their up to it? Look at the Sedition act, or the Volstead act. Looks like Argentina, but with a poor choice of politics, we might get thrown out of a plane over the ocean!
Looks like we will take a short cut and take a tactic from the previous adminstration, remember the water boarding, torturing outside the country? presidential edict. Gosh those nettlesome Constitution gaurantees, once we toss them aside, any thing can happen. Now we can restrict gun ownership to Americans with out our advice or consent or even congress. Don't think their up to it? Look at the Sedition act, or the Volstead act. Looks like Argentina, but with a poor choice of politics, we might get thrown out of a plane over the ocean!

I am going to buy a falcon. That way I can still hunt. Surely that screech will ward off all but the most persistent home invaders:D
The president invited all the gun groups - NRA, Nat'l Sport Shooters, etc. - to the Whitehouse to hear what their ideas are.
The president invited all the gun groups - NRA, Nat'l Sport Shooters, etc. - to the Whitehouse to hear what their ideas are.

Biden also had conversations with the video game manufacturers, like "Assasins Creed", "Grand theft Auto",but the if the video's are not violent, they don't sell, and the manufacturers can't donate money to politicians. The joke is the focus of talking to the Arms Makers and the NRA was to get them to copitulate to new rules rather than fight. As always the simple solution is the answer to Washington, let the poor people who need help wander the earth without care, till they do something outrageous. But we will talk about that down the road, as far off as we can move it!
Here's some offsetting ammo for the NRA. The stay at home mom that shoots the intruder defending the safety of her two small children.

Get 6 shots off, hits with 5 and intruder still gets away. More ammo for bigger clips on that one too.

Chris, That is a great video on what an educated, informed, able bodies woman can do to defend herself! It is still too bad that the rest of the population and the media cannot look at these instances. I say here is a law to put on the books. Make a law that states no criminals may own guns! There we will all be safe now. No wait it already is a law, then why do we still have problems, don't they know the law? Maybe we just need to educate the criminals a little more, reinform them of the illegality of owning a firearm if you are a criminal and have a felony on your record. No lets take guns away from legal citizens then the criminals will give theirs back also. It is absurd and will be a discussion as long as we live in a country with the freedom to "keep and bear arms."
Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R.11654 of June 28,1902 Seen this on another forum and thought I'd post it here for everybody to look at.
If a woman in IL is being attacked, the IL State Police suggests two ways to protect themselves..

1-Tell your attacker you have AIDS

No, I'm not kidding
If a woman in IL is being attacked, the IL State Police suggests two ways to protect themselves..

1-Tell your attacker you have AIDS

No, I'm not kidding

I know. That's really something isn't it. They also tell women to do something else to scare their attacker off. Too gross to mention.

Our police get to carry, but we the second class citizens (who just don't know how to handle a firearm) can not:confused:

As you already know upland, Illinois has the most restrictive gun laws in the country along with some of the highest murder rates. The two seem to go hand and hand.

Someone was telling me Australia put a mandatory buy out of all semi-autos over there. Afterward crime hit the roof. Go figure.:rolleyes:
I'd tell you what I'm going to do................................ :thumbsup:

The state of Wyoming is ready to pass a bill to shut down the feds. More states need to step up soon and shut them up. Your local sheriff can have alot to say about enforcing the fed act. If they do manage to disarms us we are done.:(
There's an article that talks about Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654 of June 28,1902. If I understand it right it's a bill that cannot be overturned and it forbids gun control. I figured it would not post right for me. Just type in the bill by name and you'll be able to read it.
There's an article that talks about Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654 of June 28,1902. If I understand it right it's a bill that cannot be overturned and it forbids gun control. I figured it would not post right for me. Just type in the bill by name and you'll be able to read it.

Unable to determine if this resolution ever became law. A search of the United States Code using four descriptors from this thread and the posted links failed to turn it up. FYI . . . there is no such thing as a law that cannot be overturned; even the .S. Constitution can be amended. The NRA's website has nothing about it which tells me it is not law now.
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A western Kansas fellow I hunt with who grew up on a farm says when he was a school kid if he was going hunting after school with a kid who rode a different bus, he would board his bus in the morning with his rifle or shotgun and ammo and take it to school, no big deal. Those were the days, and in a rural environment.
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Is it not unbelievable that Obama can tell us he may use executive privledge to take law abiding citizens weapons away, when just a few years ago, his DOJ people smuggled 300-400 assault weapons to Mexican drug cartells? This makes no sense does it? Our forefathers would not stand for this, why are we????
Is it not unbelievable that Obama can tell us he may use executive privledge to take law abiding citizens weapons away, when just a few years ago, his DOJ people smuggled 300-400 assault weapons to Mexican drug cartells? This makes no sense does it? Our forefathers would not stand for this, why are we????

Great Question. The answer is to kill us citizens and go after are guns. :eek:

Never waist a crisis, create one and exploit it in the press. Seems to be the way things are being run in this country of late.